Ask yourself this question... which will give you more proud moments about having your own first bike, A Bike that received as a Gift from the parents or Buying first bike on your own? Most of us are agree with the second one, Isn’t It? Because we very closely relate to the things that we purchase after putting efforts, earnings, and savings by own self.

A Proud moment for parentsWhen we want anything in young age, our parents there to provide us with that thing. But when we start earning, then we have to make that decision by our self. And this will make you understand how all the things you demanded are provided by parents. Hence when you decide to purchase a bike on your own, you get to know how to manage money. This teaches how to manage your money for savings, for instalments, for expenses etc.

My first bike: Booster for the Self-Confidence
To fulfilling a dream on your own, own efforts definitely become a reason of that proud feeling afterward. The whole journey from deciding a goal of having a bike, a hard work to put for that goal and finally to receive the key of own bike; every process will make you feel confident about yourself. This is really gonna be your positive reminders , and keep you motivated for the coming years.

Take it as a Reason to work harderIf possible, Make a promise to yourself that you gonna buy that first bike on Fully cash payments, no credit cards, no EMIs, no parents support. You have a goal set in mind that you have to work hard because you want to see your favourite bike parked in the garage. This mindset will motivate you to put extra efforts into your work. You really going to take your work seriously no matter what the work is or how hard it is. And that is good career decision , too.

It is a sign that you are ready to take your own responsibilities
A process of Purchasing a very first bike is really an amazing lifetime experience for your family as much as you. You and your family realize that you are now ready to take your life responsibility. This is also the best feeling for you to see yourself as a responsible person. A responsible in terms of fulfilling own Dreams , responsible in terms of the self-dependent, responsible in terms of work.That's show your level of maturity , that make parents feel proud.

You emotionally connect with the new Bike
It is a common nature that, the things which you get by your own efforts giving you more Happiness than the thing you are gifted. A self-earned first bike will give exactly the same feelings to you. You tend to value more of thing that you get after a long time & many effort than the easily available one. We emotionally connect more with that self-earned bike. You feel like one portion of your life you have with that bike.

Have a look at some emotions on buying first vehicle: 10 emotions you felt after you bought your first car
A Gift to you, by you
Gifting yourself a first bike, my own earning will be a great moment for you. This is the gift that will remind you for those efforts you put, the patience you have, the planning you make. Believe me, this going to be a Lifetime memory for you that stays with you and remind about these years of hustles.

Don’t disturb your family financial budget
Remember maybe a Bike is Need for you, But for is a Desire. Purchasing a bike may disturb their financial planning for next months. So it is better for you to plan on your own. This way you will manage money well in order to buy a bike and that’s even without affecting your family budget, Specially for single income family .

You know very well which model of bike you wantIt is you, who will understand what you want in life. It’s you, who know which Branded bike you passionate about, which model you want to ride on, and which color you prefer. So if you want a bike of your own choice then the money and efforts also have to be yours.

Buying first bike on your own will be a good story to tell in future. When you will ride that first owned bike, that moment will give you chance to rewind all struggles and waiting you have in the process.

This journey will be one chapter of your success story later on. And another story to share with your future children as well.

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Author's Bio: 

Ketan, a 20s guy a Life blogger. Sharing life lessons, writing articles that are positive reminders to anyone who also in the same life stage.