In this past year, you felt like you couldn’t cope or face life difficulties. You were unhappy with yourself and felt like you’ve reached a breaking point. Your spirit was filled with stress and anxiety. Anything and everything overwhelmed you, but those days are long gone. This year your focus ... Views:350
I bring you a message from Ahwarah, my spirit guide within, for the remaining month of February 2022. Your career path has led you in a higher direction, with positive changes to support your dreams, priorities, passions, and life purpose. Trust these changes will help release the old and ... Views:514
This week is a significant time for spiritual growth and healing. Spirit wants you to know you are protected and guided by love and strength from the Higher Powers. Though this may be a rough time in your life, keep your head up and know the Divine Ones are by your side. You can let go and ... Views:527
Alright, most of you have followed the advice of Spirit in regards to improving your lifestyle and focusing on your goals and now it’s time to collect. You’ve spoken it into the universe, you’ve planted your seeds, and now you can see the beginning stages of your harvest. You remained focused ... Views:721
Welcome, welcome, welcome! Thank you so much for joining me today for your Overall Message from Spirit for September 2020. I’m excited to see what Spirit has to say and without further due, let’s start our reading. In the past few weeks, or perhaps few months, for some of you, things may not ... Views:745
We meet a lot of different people in our lifetime and unfortunately some of these encounters come with disappointments. These disappointments can cause an individual to go into isolation or build a wall up to block their real emotions in fear of being hurt. If you are building a friendship or a ... Views:818
I feel this is a time of sadness for some of you because you feel stuck in a relationship or marriage you feel is not going to change. You have to speak to the Universe about the partner you desire. Honest and conscientious. Devoted and friendly. Educated and determined. Be specific so that you ... Views:895
Welcome Beloved and thank you for joining me in your Divine Feminine reading for July 2020. This message is from the Divine Goddess within to give you a better spiritual outlook on your life and a message from your spirit guides and with that being said, let’s get into the reading.
The ... Views:951
Welcome Beloved and thank you for joining me in your general reading for July 2020. This message is from Spirit to give you a better outlook on your life and help you put some things into perspective and with that being said, let’s get into the reading.
You may feel like life is in a period ... Views:922
Your self-care involves removing the heavy burden of financial and emotional debts from your life. It can be overwhelming facing these issues however, you will feel lighter and freer just by facing this topic. Make a plan to clear your present obligations and work on any past debts to improve ... Views:1226
Get up, and break free from the thoughts and illusions holding you back from achieving your dreams! You are a soldier of the divine and more than capable of living the life God wants you to live. Many of you, are thinking of pursuing a career, starting a new business venture, or going back to ... Views:869
Take the time to express yourself in a more honest and authentic way this month. Yes, not everyone will agree with you; in fact, not everyone will want to hear your point of view or accept your uniqueness, but it doesn’t matter. Not everyone will agree with you or share your values, but you can ... Views:730
Are you back where you started, or in a situation that reminds you of past failures? Financial insecurities scaring you? You must learn to love yourself through missteps and sabotaging moments. Use criticism constructively right now. Acknowledge what you may need to change in your life. Make up ... Views:885
This is the month of detachment and letting things go. You’ve been holding on to this pain and confusion for too long and now is the time to release and let go. There are times when we must remove ourselves from a situation to see the bigger picture. This person has left you depleted and has ... Views:749
Indecision is extremely frustrating and will lead to anxiety, loss, and confusion. At this juncture, you can’t remain in place without losing your way altogether. Avoid the tendency to let others choose for you, which is a way to subtly refuse to take responsibility for your choices. By not ... Views:900
Pile #1: Spirit holds a gift and a test for you. The test is the willingness to meet and release the fears within that have been secretly holding you back. The gift is freedom, peace, opportunity and prosperity in all its forms. A dark phase and struggle is over, and a new phase is upon you. ... Views:788
As your spiritual educator and healer, I feel I should make sure you are using your divine skills and divination tools correctly and following the laws of the Creator. The misconception of spirituality is that it replaces the faith and honor of God. This is far from the truth. God is and always ... Views:673
During this period of isolation, we have a lot of spare time on our hands to reflect on ourselves and our lives. Spirit wants us to think back on our childhood memories. Reflect on the life you planned for yourself as a child. What were your dreams? What was your career choice and what stopped ... Views:1003
This month may feel like a nightmare for some of you in your love life as well as your personal life. Your failure to communicate is causing confusion and misunderstandings in your circle. You are juggling too many things exhausting all of your resources and it’s making you miserable. Some ... Views:829
It seems the Divine Feminine is very feisty this month. You’re expressing the spirit of a rebel full of argumentative vibes which is making communication very difficult with your partner. You’re ruthless with your words and this can be hurtful to others. It seems you are using your intelligence ... Views:778
You are improving your skills in an area of your life that will improve your finances. This is something that you are passionate about and may require you to join a team to make this dream come to pass. Some of you are juggling your resources and trying to invent different paths of income and ... Views:736
Love is not logical, but when you choose a partner, it is good to have things in common other than desire. This is a time to weigh the pros and cons of your partnership. If you share common interest, go for it. Don’t force it to work. If not, there are other fish in the sea. When someone tells ... Views:864
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be fully in your Goddess consciousness? Well, your in luck because I am here to give you some key jewels to stepping into pure divine self.
Here are 7 Jewels of Knowledge to help you step into your God or Goddess consciousness.
#1 Meditation. ... Views:813
Letting the divine feminine nourish you now into new relationships, collaborations, community and friendships is very wise. There are many souls with whom you have spiritual contracts divinely placed in your destiny before you were born. There are certain people placed in your life to guide you ... Views:781
I have experienced a lot in my spiritual journey and everything is not pretty and beautiful as most spiritualist will have you believe. We are all spiritual beings but not all of us has what it takes to communicate to the other side. These events can appear scary, bizarre, and impossible to ... Views:867
2020 marks the beginning of a new calendar year and for most of us, this is the time of making resolutions and professing the changes we are going to make in our lives. This is the year of the Awakening, so you will be receiving lots of information and what you choose to do with it, will reflect ... Views:801
Beware of compromising your integrity in order to belong. Do you hide who you really are in order to play a role within your household or society? This will never fulfill you. Now is a time to assess your willingness to be real. Authenticity is true self-expression and the only way to empower ... Views:954
This is a time to take responsibility for your truest desire and follow it. Be honest with yourself about what you’re willing to do, invest, and give. Then choose. You cannot make a wrong choice—just a different one, with different consequences. When you move forward with a relationship, know ... Views:973
Poverty consciousness and a sense of “this is not enough” will cast a shadow on your path. Your thoughts and beliefs come with a high cost so you don’t want to label yourself as a victim of disappointment. You are challenged to change the way you see the world and move from a perception of ... Views:814
This is a time of patience and stepping into what needs to be done to achieve your goals. The strength you require is already inside you but you have to be determined in order to get your desired results and achieve success. You have more power than you realize, but you must stay determined in ... Views:943
You have every reason to feel confident. Everything you need to make your success concrete is now at your disposal. You can take action knowing you are ready to step into your power, into your light and into your service to the world! The direction you’re moving in is your Destiny. Your soul is ... Views:800
Hey My Divine Spirit, I am coming to you today with some love advice from the Divine Ones to see where we are in this circle of love for November. I see a lot of you are manifesting the outcomes you desire and things are coming together. Just breathe and take your time and know you are heading ... Views:820
You are a child of the Divine and you deserve the support that will allow you to focus upon your Divine life purpose. Even if you can’t recognize your gifts, trust that God and the angels can see how amazing you truly are. Every successful person has struggled with and released self-doubts. ... Views:954
I spent a lot of time examining relationships between men and women and I see exactly where us women fall short in regards to getting the relationship we desire. Unfortunately, we relate sex to love and this is mistake number one. In today’s world, we find ourselves engaging in sexual activities ... Views:834
Ritual comes with and provides a great force of strength and inner power to an individual. It allows you to overcome setbacks and adversity in your life. Communicating with Divine forces and connecting with your ancestors gives them great honor. Acknowledging their presence and seeking their ... Views:791
As you shift and evolve and commit to your own growth, you long for support but may be disappointed and hurt by others who are not providing what you feel you deserve. Perhaps you are in a new relationship and discovering that you don’t share the same values and beliefs, so you feel out of place ... Views:873
No matter how much you have struggled with a particular matter, no matter how impossible it may seem to imagine life without this old wound, addiction, problem, relationship issue or inner struggle being part of it, you are guided now to accept the possibility of miraculous healing. If you have ... Views:1164
There’s no sense of you wasting time arguing or being involved with petty squabbling because this will get you nowhere. Adding fuel to the fire will just make things worse. The initial stages of your relationship is progressing. You need to focus on future plans and put in the required amount of ... Views:887
Increase your standards and expect more for yourself, that is your homework for today. Most of us settle for anything because we don’t realize our value. We are taught to go to school and get a degree to get that good paying job, however we are not informed that this alone may not make us happy. ... Views:719
Tarot and oracle cards have become very popular over the years and it appears anyone can do it. I mean at the end of the day, you’re only flipping over cards and reading the meanings of them right?! Well my Divine One, it takes a little more than that to receive an accurate message from Spirit ... Views:749
I have been actively practicing my spirituality for several years now, and one question that always comes up is, who do you worship? The word “worship” stems from a religion point of view causes confusion for those inquiring about the practice. However, in spirituality we simply give thanks to ... Views:745
This is a signal to walk away from what you’re contemplating. Pursuing it will only bring about a difficult situation you will be sorry you got yourself into. Stay away. Spirit has a plan, and that plan is to place you in front of the right person at the right time. You have met or are about to ... Views:883
Emotions are highly charged and fluctuating, like a pendulum back and forth during this full moon. Feelings of intuition ad gut instincts are heightened. This is a time of possible deception and feelings of uncertainty so don’t jump to conclusions. There may be far more to the situation than ... Views:726
It’s time to address the unhealthy alliances you’ve formed and make a decision to heal the past. Not all relationships are dysfunctional, and not all of them will disappoint you. Don’t abandon yourself or the potential of finding love. You can connect to others in a healthy way once you ... Views:889
This month Divine Spirits things are looking up. Some of you may be taking a trip this month to release some stress due to the ending of a difficult situation. You may need someone to speak to so seek professional advice, but the most important thing is to speak your mind with confidence. It’s ... Views:802
Manifestation is a big part of spirituality and there are many tools that can be used to help you manifest different things in your life. Candle magic is one of the oldest forms of communication to the Divine. It allows you to connect your thoughts and energy through the candle to express your ... Views:640
Tarot readings are mostly misinterpreted by those who do not practice spirituality. Their religious resources are limited and their teachings give a different idea of what the tarot is all about. There are a couple of things, I would like to address and the first is, tarot cards cannot tell your ... Views:1490
You’re working had towards your future and the universe is taking notice. You’ve put in the work, you’ve managed your time and remained dedicated in getting this vision off the ground. Carefully evaluating situations and being mindful of the events going on around you. Trust is not easily ... Views:846
One question that is always asked of me is how do I communicate with Divine Ones and how do I hear their response? This is a great question and sometimes hard to answer because not everyone is able to communicate with deities, angles and ancestors on the same level. There are many forms of ... Views:769
This is the time for spiritual restoration and deep soul healing through the art of soul retrieval, reclaiming pieces of you lost through trauma, old and new. Soon you will enjoy greater wellness, energy and power, so be willing to go through the healing process, knowing that any emotional ... Views:861