Letting the divine feminine nourish you now into new relationships, collaborations, community and friendships is very wise. There are many souls with whom you have spiritual contracts divinely placed in your destiny before you were born. There are certain people placed in your life to guide you to the next level of self discovery. You are also a blessing to others providing them with knowledge or help with any adversities or obstacles in their lives.
As a man or woman you have the choice to walk the path of a spiritual leader who brings qualities of compassion and wisdom into the world. We all have moments when we need time to recharge and reboot our bodies and our minds. Be open, without expectation or preconceived notions, and allow the positive vibrations help you find the best solution for any situation that does not appear to be as it should.
You have divine resources that are here to free you and assist you on your spiritual path. These resources include powers and gifts from other lifetimes. Your ancestors are here to remind you of your spiritual practices and obligations. Be open to what is taking place as your soul awakens ancient powers and abilities in you.
Abundance in many forms is increasing in flow to you. Continue your good work of building channels through which abundance can be delivered to you. Freely share your talents, love, wisdom and self, and enjoy the abundance responsively flowing to you, in many forms, over and over again. You are entering a time of growth so think of yourself as a creative being. Surrender your control over how things will manifest and, instead, allow them to do so. Don’t resist change; instead, go with the flow and let it happen.
Writer, spiritualist, alchemist,spiritual healer and coach.