Are you one of those people who is constantly doing things for others, while always putting yourself at the bottom of your own list of priorities? If so, it’s time to look at how you move yourself to the top of the list, where you belong.
When you consistently put others ahead of yourself, ... Views:8552
I lived through a bad marriage…well, a terrible one…so I know all about being stuck in a relationship. I know what it’s like to be miserable every single day, and still stay. I know what it’s like to wish that you were anywhere except where you are. I know what it’s like to feel happy when your ... Views:5989
Anger is one of the strongest emotions that we experience. It can range from mild annoyance to full blown, over the top fury that consumes you. Feeling anger when something happens that is hurtful or upsetting is normal. Unfortunately, for a lot of us it’s also normal to continue to carry ... Views:1564
As an EFT practitioner, I have many examples of how our mind can cause actual physical changes in our body. I have never seen a case more compelling, however, then an experience that I had myself.
I was scheduled to do a session with someone that I was a bit intimidated by. By the day ... Views:3216
There are times when all of us get into the “poor me” mindset. My house isn’t big enough, my kids aren’t good enough, my partner isn’t attentive enough, my job isn’t fulfilling enough. Somehow, it’s easy to see that glass as half empty. At the time that we’re doing that complaining, we are ... Views:2812
I am the mom to 3 wonderful and loving cats, each of whom I adore. Each of them is very different from the others, and very special in his or her own unique way, and my daughter and I have taken great pleasure from having these three as a part of our lives.
Of the three cats, the most timid ... Views:1707
Adoption search is a complex topic. There are so many things that can happen during or at the end of a search that it boggles the mind.
Adoptees in search of birth families seem to have the best track record. Since they have access to non-identifying information, they have an advantage over ... Views:1502
Forgiveness can be a contentious topic. When someone has wronged you, and you’re carrying a lot of hurt and anger at that person, others around you will tell you that you need to forgive.
Forgiveness means different things to different people. To some, forgiving means absolving someone of ... Views:7196
Everyone has those times in their lives. The kids are driving you crazy and can’t go out because it’s raining. You partner just came home from work grumbling and swearing under their breath. You feel like you’re coming down with a cold, and, oh yes, you just found out that you had a check ... Views:1686
EFT is most often thought of as a way of dealing with emotional or physical problems, and part of the tapping process is to name and tap on the negative emotions that you feel around any given situation. What many people don’t realize, however, is that EFT can also be used to intensify the good ... Views:2429
EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, can make a huge difference in the quality of your life. There are so many ways in which EFT can help you to live your best life that it’s difficult to narrow it down to 7. EFT can help with both emotional issues and physical issues and if you are diligent ... Views:1588
Recently I got a phone call from the distraught mother of a potential groom. This mother called me because her son was supposed to get married in just a few days, and was suddenly getting cold feet and telling his mom that he wasn’t sure he could go through with it.
Her first question to her ... Views:1536
Fear of abandonment is a a very common issue for adoptees, as is anger over having been abandoned by their birthmother. After all, if their own biological mother didn’t care enough to stick around and be a part of their life, why should anyone else?
Sadly, many adoptees blame themselves on ... Views:3189
Not liking ourselves is an issue for many of us. Even though we may project a different face to the world, deep down inside far too many of us don’t like ourselves very much. It seems to always be easier to find things to criticize about ourselves than to find things to praise.
How often have ... Views:1954
No, I’m not an adoptee myself. But I am the owner of the Finding in Florida reunion registry, as well as the Finding in Florida Mailing List, which is about 350 strong. I’ve worked with adoptees and birth families for 16 years. I’ve also facilitated 2 different adoption search and support ... Views:2051
Being a birthmom myself, this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. I spent many years feeling that I did not have the right to search for my son.
When the social worker at the adoption agency told me that by signing the relinquishment papers I was giving up my right to ever have my ... Views:1605
Rejection. It’s a word that nobody involved in an adoption search wants to think about. Unfortunately, rejection is something that every searcher needs to consider. It happens. It’s terribly sad for all concerned, and can emotionally deeply wound the person being rejected, but it is one of the ... Views:1705
Divorce is traumatic. Having been through it personally, I can speak to the fact that even if you are ending a terrible marriage, there is still trauma and grieving. You may not be grieving the reality of your marriage, but rather grieving the death of all your hopes and dreams..what you hoped ... Views:2386
I am birthmother to a 41 year old son. Back when I was pregnant with him, mine was a shameful secret, because only “bad girls” got pregnant. I’m happy to say that the world has changed a lot in that respect. Girls who become pregnant today face a very different set of problems than I did. Many ... Views:1527
I’ve been working with adoptees for nearly 20 years now, and I thought I had heard pretty much every regret there was to hear from an adoptee, but yesterday I heard one I hadn’t heard before, and it caused me to feel a profound sadness.
An adoptee contacted me about scheduling an EFT session, ... Views:1728
Recently I had one of those experiences that we probably all have from time to time, but wish we had skipped it. I pulled a muscle, and anyone who has done that knows how painful it can be. I’ve done it before, so I knew immediately what was wrong, but the thought of dealing with a lot of pain ... Views:1831
Lots of us live with work related stress. I did for a very long time. I didn’t handle it well. I seemed to be in a constant state of upset, as my high stress job impacted on my life and on my emotions. My boss was a jerk, my deadlines were unrealistic, and I was only noticed if I screwed up. Not ... Views:1699
Spiders. Roaches. Ants. Worms. Snakes. Lizards. If all the hair on the back of your neck is not standing up now, you’re probably in the minority. There just aren’t that many people who like creepy, crawly things.
There are the insect collectors, and the snake lovers and people who just adore ... Views:4378
Headaches…we all get them, and they’re not much fun. Often our headaches are a result of stress, anxiety, anger, frustration and other negative emotions. A bad day at the office or a confrontation with a spouse or child can lead to an aching head and a general feeling of misery.
headache ... Views:1719
Limiting beliefs are universal. No matter who we are, or what we’re doing, it’s always a bit hard to step outside of our comfort zone. Doing something new and different can be intimidating. Even if it’s something that we want with every fiber of our being, there can be things holding us back ... Views:2044
Do you present a confident face to the world, while in your heart of hearts you feel like you’re not really good enough? Maybe that means not good enough at your job, maybe it means not a good enough mother or wife, maybe it just means not a good enough person. Whatever your feelings of ... Views:1884
EFT is magic!
Okay, maybe it's not actually magic, but the results are so amazing that it's hard to remember that.
EFT has had a profound affect on my life. I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and osteoarthritis. I was in pain every minute of every day. I was ... Views:2891
Anxiety and worry are part of everyone’s life these days. Marrying, having children, working, getting the bills paid..those are all anxiety provoking. There really isn’t a way to eliminate anxiety and worry from our lives, but by using EFT, we can neutralize a lot of that worry, allowing us to ... Views:3243
Recently I was leading a small group of tappers in weekly tap-togethers. Once of our main objectives was to try eliminating unhealthy junk food from our diets. When you have a weakness for a certain kind of snack food, it can be incredibly difficult to not eat that particular kind of food. ... Views:1979
Claustrophobia can be a crippling condition for people who suffer with it. It can severely limit the things they do and the places they go. For others, they may not even realize that they are claustrophobic until something happens to trigger the condition. This was the case for me.
I never ... Views:2529
Anger is a part of all our lives. If we’re really fortunate, we may not have a lot of people around us that make us mad. If we’re less fortunate, we may find that every day is a test for us, and that we spend an awful lot of time trying to stay calm in the face of irritations, aggravations and ... Views:3445
Nobody enjoys going to the dentist. It's something that we all know we have to do, but most of us dread. Even routine dental work can evoke an "oh, no!" feeling in a lot of us.
I suspect that a lot of people had experiences similar to those that I had as a child. My parents took me to a ... Views:1890
Just forty minutes of EFT dissolved a lifetime of pain and grief for a birth mother that I worked with, and gave her back her life. I specialize in working with adoptees and birth mothers, and would like to share a story about a birth-mom client that I recently worked with. Nancy (not her real ... Views:1631
In 2005, after several years of chronic pain and all the misery that goes along with that, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. My rheumatologist’s solution was to immediately medicate me. I was prescribed an antidepressant, 2 pain killers, and something to help me ... Views:1743