“Can’t get there from here” is a New England statement that has to be said with a very thick New England accent. It’s used because, especially way up north, all roads do not connect. And wouldn’t you know it. This idea applies to business too. “Here” is a work environment where employees are ... Views:1678
There has been a lot of talk about employee interaction or employee engagement. Human resources is talking about it because this is so costly not to have engagement. The McKinsey report, Forbes, Harvard Business all know that this costs billions of dollars a year to have employees disengaged. ... Views:1762
First let's have the same definition of business culture. Business culture is the way your organization operates, it's customs, attitudes, protocol, procedures, and etiquette etc. On the web (google) culture is defined as:
Etiquette (pronounced [,eti'ket]) is a code of behavior that ... Views:1599
This may be the most discussed aspect of business. Why? Because it is extremely important to any company no matter what the industry. Then it would make sense that most of the training given to employees would be about customer service. Yet this is not what I have seen through the years in ... Views:1465
Every business, every company, and sport team wants to have the team that excels in is consistent. In business the employees are the ones and especially the frontline employees, where they are in contact with the customers daily. It is here that the customers will see attitudes, moods, plus ... Views:1849
Motivation of employees has been talked about for many years in the business world along with how to have the most productive teams. There are team building exercises, ways to watch and keep track of employees with paperwork and efficiency standards, performance reviews, along with standards and ... Views:3247
There are symptoms that teams are beginning to not function well even if they have in the past. These manifest in different ways. The most obvious are that more ansences begin to happen along with people being late. But more will occur that has to do with attitude. Employees will seem to lose ... Views:1573
Everyone wants to get ahead, make progress, do better, learn more, work their way up, get recognized, receive praise, and be of value. It is no different for the front line employees and managers. They wish to take care of themselves and their families, have a comfortable life, have some fun, ... Views:1729
First we will get the pay out of the way. Though employees should be paid market value this is simply fair. Pay is not a long term motivator but it certainly can be demotivating. The pay scale should be understood by employees along with market values with the ability to ask for a raise should a ... Views:1576
Success is talked about throughout society and people seem to be working towards being successful with almost every job that is done. It is interesting that people even decide at an early age at times which profession will be looked at as a successful one. A prestigious job so to speak is one ... Views:1752
What is a problem? It is anything that is real or it can be imagined that becomes an obstacle. It is anything that is halting the forward progress to reaching the goals. Take the fear of public speaking and when thought about much of that fear is false. The fear of being judged by the ... Views:1773
Managers, team builders, leaders, directors or anyone that leads a team works hard to get it on track, keep it on track, and be as productive as possible. But what are the steps that it takes to know that all that hard work is actually working. Take the time to do the following steps making them ... Views:2820
One of the greatest tools a manager has is knowing about the employees that make up the team. This is not meant to seem like a manager should be friends with the employees and buddy around because really a manager should never do that. But it does mean that a manager needs to know what works for ... Views:2791
No Trust Between Team Members
When team members don't trust each other or are suspicious of each other, the end result is a team that is not working together. This usually means they are stand offish and not helping each other. It also can be noticed that they do not support each other. ... Views:2840
Teams often fail because:
Teams will look for recognition as a team and also individual recognition. This is a fantastic motivator because people want to know that what they do matters. Often it seems that only recognition from their manager is what counts but that is not true. Praise from ... Views:3144
This is probably the most cut and dry aspect of a business. An employee is present or not. Employees are very important and need to be at work. But how is this done fairly when there are full time employees, part time employees, and some places have per diem (as needed) employees. What should ... Views:2389
Sometimes a team has to be trained or at least some members have to be trained. Then there are times when discipline of a team is necessary. New projects may have to be implemented or a change in a procedure may occur. There may be some problems that have to be solved. When this occurs things ... Views:2291
There are two types of discipline happening in business or regarding teams or there should be. The is the job performance discipline which is usually done in a progression to correct a problem. In other words there is some lee-way knowing that people make mistakes. It is a corrective and ... Views:2362
Team building is an everyday task. There is practicing, tasks to be completed and checked, time restraints which cause time management, customer service, scheduling, and evaluation to state a few. There is giving the instructions in a way that is understood by the team and by each individual. ... Views:1871
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***To The End- byLiz Cosline, the Official Guide to Team Building
So through the centuries we have wondered what this is all about, why we are here, what is the purpose for the existence of the human race. There have been books, paintings, philosophical discussions, poetry, and pondering through the ages. There have been mistakes and fighting by countries ... Views:1630
Change seems to make many people nervous. I suppose it is the unknown and there is comfort in things being the same. When they are the same everyone knows how to act and what to say or at least that is the perception. Funny thing though, things are changing constantly. This is good because ... Views:2895
In any group or team sooner or later there will be a conflict that arises. This is not a bad thing at all. People disagree and if presented and handled properly it can be very productive. Great ideas or learning from different perspectives can happen from disagreements. However at times it ... Views:1478
1. First have the Coaching clarified -
This involves skill and knowledge. It recognizes when a team member is having trouble with a skill and implements things to correct this. However this can be done by the leader or by other team members. The coach recognizes this and starts the ... Views:1355
Meet people all along the way. Make contacts and keep in touch. Don't wait till you need to network. You never know will be a great contact some day.
What are you looking for?
Define your goals. You have to know what you are working towards. Write them down. Be specific. ... Views:1482
While many companies claim to empower their employees and even have company policies that say their employees are empowered in decision-making, some may simply give lip service to the concept. Employee empowerment is hardly a new concept. But what is this empowerment thing? Business advisers ... Views:1316
People have tried to be successful in so many definitions that to nail down that definition is something that has been hard to do. Normally when meeting someone the question of what do you do expects a job related answer. Immediately there is a judgement as to whether that is good or not. ... Views:1169
This is the question that really cannot be answered lightly or with answers that are temporary. This answer is going to involve taking at very good look inside yourself and figuring out plus take a hold of the things that make you up as a person. The best way to say this is for you to figure out ... Views:1203
There is nothing wrong with doing what works for you. In fact that probably a good idea. What is not so beneficial is closing off to new ideas. Personal growth is something that should be strived for daily. It allows listneing to fresh and new concepts, and get the mind into discovery modes. ... Views:1582
Here in the U.S. and I suppose other places, people seem to be cynical at times. It seems that faith or trust in feelings is taken away or shied away from at an early age. We seem to be taught to disregard anything we cannot see or touch. You know, seeing is believing. This leaves people to ... Views:2108
Often when discipline is mentioned it seems that the first thing that is thought of is punishment. A child does something that an adult feels is wrong and this needs to be punished so that the child has something bad to relate to whatever the child did. In this way it is believed that the child ... Views:1379
It doesn't matter if we're talking about business, team building, jumping off a diving board, dieting, playing a sport, in a relationship with others, or a million other endeavors. It isn't about the task or endeavor as long as it isn't harmful to you or someone else. Instead it is about what ... Views:1215
Everyone likes to get to the point where going to and being at work is comfortable. People like it when they know what to expect and they know the people they are going to encounter with pretty much the same things happening. It feel grounded and fairly calm or at least secure. Everyone knows ... Views:949
In many companies there are the front line employees doing the work that gets the companies promises completed. The company has said that they will do certain things for the customers and it is these front line employees that fulfill those promises. In most cases the employee comes in to work ... Views:1542
Yes there are. I have put C's to team building simply as a way to remind me of all the aspects that go into team building. There are many different areas that need attention from time to time if not daily. But that does not mean it takes an incredible amount of time. It is more about ... Views:1270
So as everyone else I continue to hear that things are going bad in the economy. More and more it’s being reported that programs are suffering and budgets are being cut. People are getting stressed, even though they are working, wondering what is around the corner. Who can blame anyone for ... Views:1094
There are many aspects to team building. The more that is applied the better the team will be. Here are five different aspects of team building that allow the team to keep going to the next level.
1. Competence - when a leader puts a team together he or she tries to pick the best people ... Views:1655
This is the chance like no other for people to give themselves the time and energy that each deserves. There are now life coaches that not only assist people with self but also with business, projects, and home life. Being self aware is the key to having life run smoother. This includes ... Views:1467
Teams usually not only have a coach or leader they often have a captain or lead person. These people are important to the team. They are not only important for the guiding, teaching, and communication given but also for the way they present themselves to the team. Team members get cues from ... Views:2674
So let's say that everything is being done to build and excellent team, communication is clear, individual skills are recognized and utilized, goals are defined, the jobs are getting done, and most of the time things are running smoothly. Seems like this team doesn't need much attention at all, ... Views:1042
One of the most important things a manager can do for the employees is to say thank you. It shows the employees that the manager has noticed that the job is completed or that there is confidence that the job will be completed. It also indicates appreciation for the employee. This is a simple ... Views:2423
There are certainly attributes that a leader must exercise such as listening skills, communication skills, empathy, and caring about the team to name a few. Most of the time when techniques are discussed on how to be a leader it is not discussed how to act. In others words the conduct of a ... Views:1005
In my experience in the supervisory and management world I have found that getting the job done in a consistent day to day way, comes down to the view of the managing person no matter what the actual title the person holds. I have separated these views by using the words manage and ... Views:1797
Success is talked about throughout society and people seem to be working towards being successful with almost every job that is done. It is interesting that people even decide at an early age at times, which profession will be looked at as a successful one. A prestigious job so to speak is one ... Views:1707