1. First have the Coaching clarified -
This involves skill and knowledge. It recognizes when a team member is having trouble with a skill and implements things to correct this. However this can be done by the leader or by other team members. The coach recognizes this and starts the correction but often it is useful to have other members of the team go over things because it takes pressure off the correction. It can help take the nervousness out of the situation.
At times there is counseling. This cannot be done by another team member. It needs to be corrected but this is the time for the leader to address it and if this does not work the HR department needs to get involved.
Mentoring is very positive. Anyone can be a mentor. Mentoring usually has to do with the things that are not in the procedure manual. It may be attitude or how to stay motivated. Things on how to become better.
2. Now For The Team Clarification
Every member of the team is important. Titles should not matter that much. Every member contributes to the team. No one on a team is better than anyone else.
All team members must feel valued. Team roles need to be defined and understood by all. There needs to be respect up and down the line of the entire team.
Team members need to accept that the team is to move forward together. Each member should encourage and support each other. This should be reinforced by the coach but each member should be involved in the reinforcement of the importance of the entire team. It should be emphasized that every member is to be shown respect at all times.
When a team believes a true team exists and acts like a team it can do almost anything.
Liz Cosline
SongofOneUnexpectedLife-S.O.U.L. http://songofoneunexpectedlife.info
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