What happens when you've cleared a long standing problem with EFT?
Most usually, there is a feeling of ease, relief, excitement and even curiosity. Sometimes, it's as if a void is left in its place. It's almost as if there is a gap; something is missing now.
The heavy coat.
In one of my podcasts recently, Scott and I talked about the gap that is sometimes felt after successful tapping. I suggested it was similar to wearing a thick, heavy coat all winter and spring, so it started to feel like a heavy burden. Then, suddenly throwing the coat off in a matter of seconds, so there was an unexpected weightlessness, felt uncomfortable because it was not familiar.
So, what happens if you guess there probably will be a sense of weightlessness, space or unfamiliarity, once you've cleared problems with EFT? That may be enough to prevent you from tapping in the first place! Questions, (AKA resistance!) may arise in your mind.
• Who will I be once I let this problem go completely?• What if it's not safe to NOT be angry/grieving/stressed, etc?
• I'll lose my current identity, and then what will they think?
If these types of questions or concerns come into your mind, write down the answers, and then use that information to tap on. Whatever you've written down is probably the reason why you are stuck, still experiencing that memory or limiting belief.
Remember, what we resist, persists.
The problem will remain if we are unable to acknowledge it and address it. Two strong emotions that can be challenging to release are anger and grief
. Here's something I hear about grief
quite a lot from clients:
"I have to continue grieving in order to honour the person and acknowledge who they were".
A good reframe for this as we tap is:
Could I joyfully honour the person?
Could I acknowledge them in a heartfelt way which brings me joy?
Often I'll hear this about anger:
"I can't let go of the anger; otherwise they will have won".
A useful consideration for this as we tap is:
Does it have to be about winning?
By holding on to this anger, I'm punishing myself and they aren't even aware of how I'm feeling!
What if I could "win" by letting go?
Once you let go of a longstanding emotion, there may be space, or gap which is left. To ensure it's not filled up with a different stressor, tap in some positive reinforcements, acknowledging the courage it's taken to release the past; how determined you are; how you love feeling free; how calm and confident you are, and so on. Be mindful of the gap that is left, and fill that void with healthy acknowledgements of who you are and what you are capable of. Allow your body to feel what it's like to hear those positive affirmations , and experience the joy.
Annabel Fisher was introduced to EFT when seriously ill with M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). She was wheel chair bound, completely exhausted and in constant muscle and joint pain. She began using it regularly and had some really positive results: she had reduced her chronic pain by 60% in 4 months and by 100% within 6 months. Annabel used EFT effectively on other symptoms including digestive disorders, insomnia, light and noise sensitivities, depression and anxiety. She was astounded by EFT's simplicity and effectiveness. Feeling passionate about EFT, it seemed a natural step to qualify as an EFT Practitioner and later as an EFT Trainer, drawing on her teaching background.
Since discovering EFT, she has been treated by Gary Craig (the founder of EFT) and received advanced training from him in England and America. She has also received specific training from various EFT Masters in the UK and USA. In Cornwall, England, Annabel had a successful EFT practice and ran regular training courses before moving to BC, Canada in 2006. She now combines EFT and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in her practice, seeing clients privately and working over the phone. She leads regular EFT workshops and teleseminars, plus training programmes which qualify individuals to become EFT Practitioners. She specialises in: * Coping with serious illness and chronic pain * Overcoming stress and overwhelm * Increasing self worth, confidence and the motivation to recover * Reaching your fullest potential * Leading EFT Workshops and Practitioner Training Discover the power of EFT with The Essentials of EFT Guide and a one-hour EFT Q&A audio recording, all yours absolutely free by visiting http://www.theEFTHealingCentre.com or calling 1-888-206-8426 (toll free)