If you are tired of cooking all your meals at home, dining out can be a great treat. But dining out can sometimes result in weight gain if you choose the wrong dishes. This can make it difficult to make a healthy decision. This article will give you the information you need to be able to enjoy a restaurant meal and not put on extra weight.

1. Choose vegetarian restaurants. Visiting vegetarian places that only offer vegetarian meals is a great option. This does not mean that meals that are non-vegetarian are unhealthy. Non-vegetarian dishes are prone to have extra calories and higher fat content.

For instance, choosing chicken meat at a restaurant is not always a good choice with more times than not, it will be served with extra fat. In saying this, lean chicken meat is a healthy option but not all restaurants offer this on their menus. To avoid this type of problem, dining out at vegetarian restaurants is the go.

2. Give up the salad dressing. It is common knowledge that consuming salads is good for weight loss . The reason being is that salads are nothing but chopped up raw vegetables. Raw vegetables get your body burning fat and increase your metobolic rate. But most times, salads will be served with a high calorie dressing. So remember to order a salad without the dressing next time you dine out.

3. Keep clear of buffet meals. Most of the food served at buffets are high in calories. Buffet meals are cooked in large lots usually with large amounts of oil, which is not recommended for anyone trying to lose weight. If you must eat this type of food, keep away from the fattier style meals and choose salads and vegetables instead. This will help keep the unwanted calories in check.

4. Don't overeat. Make sure you have a reasonable size portion before you eat. If you think you have been served too much, pack the excess into a container to take home. Most restaurants have boxes for leftovers if you ask. As long as you mind the above tips when eating out next, there is nothing wrong with dining out.

Author's Bio: 

Emily Dawson is an avid health promoter and article writer. Emily writes articles primarily on motivation to lose weight , effective weight loss programs and weight loss issues.