Just for Today...I Will Not Worry
"Worrying about something that may never happen is like paying interest on money you may never borrow. "
The above quote is very apt for it brings home the absurdity of worrying! But we are human, and worrying is something we are very adept at, and do often. So how do we train ourselves not to worry? By training! By practicing...and by understanding where worry comes from and why it is just simply an energy draining, non-productive, past- time.
Not worrying implies FAITH. Implicit Faith in the Universe to always supply us with all we need...without understanding the means by which this is done. It is simply beyond our human comprehension.
FAITH...it is like a plant...it must be nurtured and cared for or it will whither and die. We can nurture our Faith by talking with God, but talking WITH does not mean monologue. It is not enough just to talk to God...we must listen as well. Be aware...or we will not hear what the other side is saying, as with any conversation, it must be a dialogue.
TALK to God (Universe, Source) every day. I make it a habit to do this morning and night and in between very frequently. Not just asking for things, but "seeing" and "hearing" and being aware when they happen in answer to our requests. Thank you for the parking space, the short line at the supermarket, an answer in only 5 minutes when calling technical support. these things are all orchestrated for us but we need to be aware of this and acknowledge our awareness....our "hearing" the other side.
Once we send our request out, things are set in motion by our Partner, our co-creator. Nothing "just happens". And once we cultivate this living, working system, and truly believe in it, there really is NO NEED TO WORRY.
Here is another quote which I also like to use when trying to explain the futility of worrying to my clients and the need for manifesting solutions, rather than worrying about "what is going to happen?...what if I can't?...what if it doesn't?"...etc.
"If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see are obstacles."
This helps us to see that we must look beyond what we perceive as obstacles and focus continually on our goals, visualize them in detail, often, not only when praying or meditating, but throughout the day. To believe they will be manifested, but in ways we, as human beings, with our limited senses and understandings could never contemplate.
Not worrying implies FAITH.
Faith in God, however it is you perceive him, in the Universe, in your Higher Self....There is an "overview", a full picture, which we as human beings can never see. We live in the world of linear time, where past present and future are just that: past (what has already occurred), present (what we see this moment), and future (that which has yet to happen). But this is again because we are limited by our human capacities. In effect, all time is NOW. (That also makes it easier to understand how we can use Reiki , or other methods, to bring about change not only in the future, but in the PAST.) For in Universal terms, there is no past present or future, but only NOW. This is the Overview that we are unable to see.
What we need to understand is that although we cannot "see" the actual ways in which solutions will unfold, we can manifest these goals by "Seeing" the end result exactly as we wish it to be. And once we have done this, we must leave the "how's" to God and his Universe, with complete trust. And when we do this, there is NO REASON TO WORRY!.
Always remember: "Thoughts become things......choose the good ones", Mike Dooley - http://tut.com/ and you cannot go wrong. When we worry, we incorporate negative thoughts into our manifestations, into our prayers, into our requests, and this negative energy is received by the Universe and incorporated into the solution which is being formulated (or has already been set in place!).
Please check out the following post.
It is a short parable, which you can read in full in the Kryon Channelings by Lee Carroll (Book 7 - "Letters from Home", pp. 226-229) telling the story of Henry and the Missing Bridge. It is one of my favorite examples for understanding the concept of "Letting Go and Letting god". It will give you considerable food for thought and more in-depth understanding of the idea of Trust in the Universe and the futility of worrying.
I would like to end this with the following from Carolyn Myss' Book, Invisible Acts of Power, pp. 141-142 as it is so appropriate:
A Third Chakra Prayer
I realease into this universe my trust that my journey in life and all who walk my path with me are there by divine design. Therefore, I trust that along this path, others will always be there for me, even when I cannot see them waiting for me. And I open myself to be of service to those who m ay provide me the gift of empowerment .
Dear God, I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself...and the fact that I think that I am following Your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe this:
I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You.
I hope I have that desire in everything I do.
I hope I never persist in anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this You will lead me by the right road, thought I may know nothing about it at the time.
Therefore I will trust You always, for though I may be lost...I will not be afraid, because I know You will never leave me to face my troubles all alone.
I have been a Reiki practitioner and instructor as well as holistic counselor for 10 years, after receiving my Masters Degree from a Traditional Japanese Reiki Master in India. I still spend part of each year in further practice and studies in India. I received further attunements from other International Reiki Masters as well. I run a successful private Center in Raanana, Israel where I work with clients using Reiki as well as a wide variety of other healing modalities,(bach flower Remedies, crystals, chakra balancing through color and sound, channeling through the use of various Tarot cards, QT, massage) run workshops in all levels of Reiki, as well as yoga, meditation, pranayama. I have a background in counseling with over 30 years of experience in family counseling, lactation consultation and childbirth education and have a particular rapport with women and helping to guide them through their life journey.
My Center provides an open, safe, supportive and interactive environment in which to embark on your healing journey. The healing sessions offered facilitate awareness and integration of the Mind/Body/Heart/Spirit connection. The results can be life-changing and transformative helping you with:
• Reducing stress and anxiety
Making successful life transitions
• Discovering your life's purpose and work
• Changing addictive patterns and behaviors
• Dealing with grief and loss
• Facing chronic or terminal illness
• Healing relationships
• Connecting to your higher self
• Working with your guides and angels, and Spirit
A variety of healing energies and techniques are used to stimulate powerful yet gentle healing at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. This allows the creative process of self-discovery to unfold, while encouraging and empowering you to find your own answers within. Methods are chosen to suit your individual needs based on your unique purpose, readiness and individual preference
If you are simply seeking help in reducing stress in these most difficult times we live in, or seeking more intensive energy work in order to release various deep-seated blockages (fear, worry, anger, jealousy, etc.) which prevent healing, both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, all can be addressed according to need and readiness.
You will also be taught techniques which, in most instances, will allow you to continue the processes at home and over a short time learn to help yourself heal and remain healthy, with only occasional future visits for “tune-ups”.
Healing is an active process by which you take responsibility, vs. “curing”, which is passive and places responsibility on the therapist/doctor and on medication.A session can act as a simple release from tension, anxiety and stress and leave you with a feeling of deep relaxation and renewal of energies. Or it can treat a specific chronic or acute physical ailment by healing it from the source which, in many cases is emotional or mental in origin and is simply manifested via physical symptoms.
You can also choose to learn Reiki yourself in a short, fun and experiential workshop. What better way to to give you and your family the wonderful gift of Reiki so that you can lovingly care for each other in the comfort of your own home.
You can learn more about me and my work, as well as more about the wonders of Reiki, Mindfulness, Channeling etc. on my blog: http://mindfulnessjournal.wordpress.com
or by contacting me via e-mail: janetrip2001@yahoo.com or by phone: 972-54-5572300
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