We rarely reflect on the occult powers that we use all the time, automatically, including the various powers of the mind and emotions. Researchers in the field of medical science have now recognized the important role that our mental state has on our health and well-being. They now admit the ‘mind-body’ connection and teach us how to harness the power of positive affirmation and visualisation in our immune strength and in recovery from any illness or injury. Without thinking about the implications, we even rely on what we call the ‘placebo effect’ which is factored into the study of any new pharmaceutical drug under review. The ‘placebo effect’ is the result that follows when a subject is given a ‘fake drug’ as part of the study, yet recovers similar to those who take the ‘real’ drug. The placebo effect can be seen in 25-30% of the cases. Clearly, the very thought that one is getting a drug to cure a condition has real, occult power. How much of the healing power of the ‘real’ drug is based on this same placebo effect? We will never know….
The power of the mind is also harnessed to improve athletic performance. Indeed, the use of positive affirmation and visualisation are an important aspect of training for advanced athletes.
Spiritual practitioners in various paths are provided detailed visualisation exercises in order to develop the power of concentration and thereby to advance in their spiritual practice.
Most people do not recognise nor understand the power of thought forms to impact other people and results. Researchers are exploring this power and harnessing it to, for instance, aid people who are physically paralyzed in operating a computer, for instance, through the focused and concentrated power of thought. Telekinesis is another occult phenomena that relies on the power of the thought form to move an object in the external world. While these are now visible results, there is the entire field of the power of thought to impact other people and the ideas they follow and the feelings they experience.
Because we generally fail to appreciate these powers and their work, we both tend to under-utilize them in relation to their real potential, and to allow them to act without conscious intention, under the impulsion perhaps of our vital nature, and thus, potentially have negative effects on others and in the long-term. By taking up these powers consciously, exploring and studying them, working to train ourselves in the use and application of them, we can both increase their power and enhance their ability to influence people, events and situations in a positive manner.
Dr. Dalal notes: “Sri Aurobindo defines occultism as ‘the knowledge and right use of the hidden forces of Nature… — especially the forces of the subtle physical and supraphysical planes.’ As the Mother points out, in a way, everyone practices occultism without knowing it because everyone uses the powers of thought and imagination which are in fact occult or hidden but which produce visible effects on oneself and others. The effects produced by our ordinary thought and imagination are meagre compared to what they could be if the powers were developed through training. In fact, most people are not even aware of the effects brought about by thought and imagination on our bodies and our external lives. Therefore these powers are often used in ways which are detrimental to us and others. An important step in developing the powers within us is to become more conscious of the powers we already possess and use as also of the effects they are producing in our daily lives, so that we may learn to use them more deliberately and beneficially.”
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Powers Within, Introduction, pp. xii-xiii
Santosh has been studying Sri Aurobindo's writings since 1971 and has a daily blog at http://sriaurobindostudies.wordpress.com
and podcast located at https://anchor.fm/santosh-krinsky
He is author of 20 books and is editor-in-chief at Lotus Press. He is president of Institute for Wholistic Education, a non-profit focused on integrating spirituality into daily life.
Video presentations, interviews and podcast episodes are all available on the YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@santoshkrinsky871
More information about Sri Aurobindo can be found at www.aurobindo.net
The US editions and links to e-book editions of Sri Aurobindo’s writings can be found at Lotus Press www.lotuspress.com