Every parent wants the best for their child. This requires you to make various decisions concerning their health and welfare.

The availability of internet services does not help the situation. Here everyone has an opinion on what your child needs. If you check clearly, some will often be contradicting.

  • Crib or co-sleep?
  • Breast milk or formula?
  • Pureed or baby-led weaning food?

Recently, probiotics are becoming a trendy topic in the kid’s world. Here is everything you need to know about this topic.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="735"]Proboitics for baby[/caption]
Does Your Child Need Probiotics

Yes, every child needs probiotics. However, some infants are likely to enjoy additional benefits from klaire labs infant probiotic . Such kids include:

a)      Infants on an Antibiotic Course

Antibiotics can be tough on an infant’s digestion. As a result, many physicians are prescribing probiotics supplements alongside antibiotics. This is a noble idea.

Antibiotics damage the good and bad bacteria. Such an act will harm your digestive health.

b)     An Infant Suffering From Digestive Problems

Is your child suffering from diarrhea, reflux, and constipation or having trouble gaining weight? Well, probiotics could be your answer.

Research done on pre-term babies shows that probiotics help these kids to gain weight.

c)      Babies on Formula

A mother transfers her gut biome through breast milk. However, feeding your child on formula denies them this vital bacterium. Giving probiotics to these kids enhances their immune and digestive systems.

How About Breastfeeding Babies?

Breast milk has everything that your child needs. It has all the nutrients that your kid requires to grow. For instance, it has probiotics to help form the microbiome and digestive system.

But this doesn’t mean that these kids cannot benefit from probiotics. Research by California University shows that breast milk promotes the growth of B. infantis – an essential bacterium that supports a healthy baby gut.

Ideally, the transfer should happen naturally from the mother to the child. However, over various generations, the bacterium is not always present in the mother’s biome.

A study in Bangladesh shows that patients with B. infantis in their stool have a better rhythmic index and favorable weight gain. Further, these patients respond better to TB, oral polio and tetanus vaccines.

When is the Ideal Age to Give Your Baby Probiotics?

Use probiotics for kids older than six months. However, consult your doctor if your kid is preterm or has underlying health conditions.

Selecting the Infant Probiotic

The hardest part is choosing the right probiotic for your child. Since the options at your disposal are many, they may overwhelm you. Be sure to engage medical providers and providers to advise you on the ideal option to select.

How Long Till You See Results

Probiotics don’t work overnight. It may take some time before you see the benefits of probiotics. They are highly effective when used regularly and in the long-term. However, some parents report positive results almost immediately after introducing probiotics to their kids.


Probiotics are classified as good bacteria. The bacteria play a vital role in improving the gastrointestinal system.

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.