In some cases, sensitive medical issues, such as those involving your gastrointestinal tract, may necessitate more specialized care than your primary care physician typically provides. The majority of gastroenterologists have up to five years of additional specialized medical training and extensive experience with diseases of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, liver, pancreas, colon, and rectum.
A primary care physician will usually refer a patient to a gastroenterologist. If you have any symptoms of a digestive health disorder or if you need a colon cancer screening, you should see a gastroenterologist or gastroenterology & Liver Disease in Fresno.
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it might be time to get a consultation with your gastroenterologist. Here are 5 reasons why!
1. Constipation : Constipation is a common complaint in patients, although it can be difficult to identify. A variety of factors such as the location of food in the GI system (ileum vs colon), nutrition , autonomic postural changes, and nervous system dominance may lead to constipation.
2. Acid Reflux or Heartburn : Heartburn or acid reflux is caused by acidic stomach contents rising into your esophagus causing pain and discomfort. This shows up as a burning sensation in the chest or throat, often experienced during sleep.
3. GERD : Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)/renal dilation is commonly referred to as acid reflex-reflux where gastric contents rise into your esophagus and can cause belching, feeling full after eating smaller amounts of food than a normal, sour taste in your mouth that persists with no obvious reason, heartburn and more.
4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS) : Irritable bowel syndrome is commonly known as IBS-C or abdominal pain due to spasm of the muscles in your intestine accompanied by cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and/or mixed nates with a feeling of being bloated that may occur once every day or several times per week without any apparent reason.
5. Recurring Stomach Pain or Discomfort : A lot of people already know that stomach pain or discomfort can range from occasional indigestion to excruciating cramps and it's a horrible experience. If you're suffering from an unexplained gastrointestinal condition, you must consult experts at gastroenterology & Liver Disease in Fresno.
In conclusion, if you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, it might be time to get a consultation with your gastroenterologist. You can also consult experts at gastroenterology & Liver Disease in Fresno , California, the United States.
If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, it might be time to get a consultation with your gastroenterologist. You can also consult experts at gastroenterology & Liver Disease in Fresno.