The key to staying healthy for the long-term is to watch your diet and exercise regularly. Having a healthy diet and exercise routine is important to your overall health. While it is possible for some to have great physical fitness and a poor diet , it is equally possible for some to have a great diet and poor fitness level.

Losing weight through diet alone is possible but it can be a longer process. One way to do this is to follow The Diet Solution, Isabel De Los Rios program. It is not uncommon to see people who are fit through exercise but still have excess weight. The term 'we are what we eat' comes into play more often than not these days.

High fat diets with little nutrients are going to slow your body down and leave it lacking the energy needed to burn off the fat. If we don't provide our bodies with a healthy amount of nutrients, it is harder to build muscle. With this said, your body will be able to achieve better results when diet and exercise are combined.

Think of your diet as providing the necessary fuel your body needs in order to build muscle and your workout as a means to burn extra calories. It is important to note that while building muscle, you can be losing inches that do not necessarily show on the scales. You should not measure your weight loss success by the scales alone.

This is a mistake many people make and give up even though they are losing weight. You can check your progress by keeping an eye on the mirror, how your pants fit and by using a measuring tape. You can also measure your success by the way you feel after climbing a flight of stairs.

Adding fitness to your weight loss plan gets the body to burn any calories that you don't need. This enables you to have a few extra calories if needed during the day as well. Especially when dining out or attending a dinner party, you can rest easy that you have extra calories to burn up your sleeve.

Don't forget to stretch. Too many of us wonder why is stretching important ? It will prevent you from having an exercise related injury.

Taking both your diet and fitness routine seriously will go along way to dramatic results in your body. It pays to remember that neither will work to their full potential if you use them alone, and neither will work if you do not give them your undivided attention. With diet and fitness as a main priority in your life, nothing can stop you from producing the best possible results.

Author's Bio: 

Emily Dawson is an avid health promoter and article writer. Emily writes articles primarily on motivation to lose weight, effective weight loss programs and weight loss issues.