So, your exciting time has finally arrived? Are you all charged up to approach the first day in the new company? Are you nervous that how will you fit into the company culture? Fret not, its normal to feel this way! The process of blending into your new company culture is as important as acing the interview. We will tell you how?
Be updated and do your homework
The work will not resume the morning of the first day but that does not mean that you should walk through the doors with zero expectations. Do your research about company’s culture, read on to the history, vision and mission of the organization, talk to the contacts you already have there, take help of social media (LinkedIn, Facebook) to give you a sense of coworkers. Onboarding process really works, be sure to put into your personal efforts.
Keep the doors open
Before focusing on the actual work, it is vital to concentrate as much as on people and culture in the first days. Organizations also provide buffer period to every employee so that they get accustomed to the new job and environment. Make use of this time by absorbing everything you can about those around you. Be open minded and sociable. Integrating into a company’s culture may be difficult for those who are shy in nature but not asking questions early will only make them awkward to ask down the line.
Take help of those who have been associated with the company for years, as they will be able to provide you with the most in-depth info. Establish relationships with your colleagues, internal clients, managers and HR people. Make sure you join them during their lunch break or free time. Know how the people being addressed. Use words with caution especially swear words or while sharing jokes. What may be accepted in a media firm may be considered rude in management company.
Get connected over the time
The culture of companies change as time goes on, try to be a part of regular conferences, meetings and special holiday parties, functions and events. Be slow and steady in learning about a company and its people. While awkward moments, strenuous conditions and difficult employees are bound to pop up, it’s your knowledge and attitude that will help you fit into any new job for the long haul. Culture helps to keep the workplace exciting when the things get monotonous.
Changes can be hard but they bring liveliness to anything. Transition becomes easier when you making real efforts to adapt to the company culture. Patience and kindness are of prime importance when learning the ways of the new place and building relationship.

Author's Bio: 

Reshali Balasubramaniam
Head of HR, HR Counselor and adviser at and EFutureTech Systems. Submit your resume online and be contacted by prospective employers.