CBD Oil has come under the spotlight, especially in the US, in recent times and has been touted for its many health benefits. Its association with marijuana, however, is still perceived negatively by many who ergo keep this wonderful oil at bay. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of CBD oil benefits and the science behind it. Without any further ado, let’s get started.

CBD Oil Benefits for Diabetes and Obesity
A whopping 100 million adults in the US are now officially either diabetic or pre-diabetic, and the epidemic seems to be creeping into minors as well. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association has revealed that over 32% of American men and over 35% of American women are obese (more than just overweight).

While everyone has a row about whether a plant-based diet is a way to go or a ketogenic diet is truly what can help reverse type 2 diabetics, we should not overlook CBD oil benefits for both diabetes and obesity .

Improved Cholesterol Profile and Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
A Staggering 1 in 4 deaths in the US is due to heart disease. Again, while lifestyle, diet and genetic predisposition are some of the main factors that determine your risk of a heart attack or heart disease. There are certainly other things along the way that can either add to the risk or take away from it. Thankfully, CBD oil benefits include a reduction in the risk of heart disease and also an improved cholesterol profile as studies have concluded.

Lowered Risk of CancerCBD oil benefits are several, but there is a growing amount of evidence which is starting to suggest that it might have some tumor-fighting properties as well.

Mental Health Benefits
CBD oil and cannabinoids, in general, are neuroprotective, which means that they play a vital role in regulating brain health. One of the ways in which CBD oil does this is by removal of damaged cell, and another is through improved efficiency of mitochondria. Furthermore, CBD Oil is also said to reduce glutamate toxicity which is responsible for over firing of brain cells by over – stimulation which causes pre – mature cell death .

Reducing Cortisol
Cortisol is the stress hormone, and in this day and age, it is usually elevated in the average American. The plant has been used from centuries ago to reduce anxiety and calm down people. However, it must be noted that some studies have shown that in certain patients, Cannabis can have a reverse effect and actually increase anxiety and even lead to panic attacks.

In general, CBD oil is shown to reduce stress-related activity in the Limbic and Paralimbic parts of the brain directly.

Other better – known CBD oil benefits, include the treatment of Insomnia and other sleep disorders and also to alleviate pain naturally, it is said to be one of the most effective treatments.

At Sleep Sherpa, its our constant endeavor to provide our readers with up to date information that is accurate and easy to digest. Apart from the informative article above, we have also developed an infographic on CBD Oil Benefits that you can share on social media. Feel free to share.

Author's Bio: 

Vishal Ingole is a Content Strategist and Blogger. He has written for numerous publications in the past on topics ranging from finance, Enterprise IT to health and travel. He also writes for Sleep Sherpa and oversees the overall content strategy.