Since at least 3500 B.C (before Christ), people have been looking for ways to reverse aging and prolong life. In pursuit of the fountain of youth, Ponce de León led an expedition to the coast of Florida in 1513. In 1938 Indiana Jones sought out to find the Holy Grail, because it was said to have miraculous healing powers, and provide eternal youth in infinite abundance .
Every generation has eagerly sought out the path to immortality. Everyone wants to live a long healthy life, but most don't do what's necessary to keep themselves well, happy, and peaceful.
Longevity can be primarily controlled by the triad of eating well, exercising regularly and getting quality sleep. These are important lifestyle factor toward longevity . Along with staying calm and not worrying, having good friends, and enjoying life.
Suggestions On How To Live A Long Life
Exercise Regularly
You don't need to run a marathon runner to benefit from exercise. Just 20 minutes per day - minimum - will help you stave off heart disease, diabetes, cancer, mental illness, and more. For the best results include strength training and add endurance, flexibility, and balance exercises to your workout.
Sleep Well
While seniors find it difficult to get enough sleep, it doesn't have to be that way. Certain health issues or medications can make it harder for you to fall asleep. In that case, talk to your doctor to see if there are other treatments or methods you can try.
If you're having trouble falling asleep, try one of these suggestions to help you get the rest you need:
• Follow a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up, even on weekends.
• Keep your bedroom at a cooler temperature.
• Avoid napping later in the day so you feel more tired at bedtime.
• Minimize light, noise and temperature extremes.
• Don't eat or exercise
too close to your bedtime.
• Avoid caffeine, nicotine, or other stimulants four hours before bedtime.
• Turn off the TV, computer and cell phone prior to going to bed .
Here are some more suggestions on how to promote deep sleep.
Drink Plenty Of Liquids
Avoid or limit ones with lots of added sugar or other ingredients, like soda. Drink things like water, juice, milk, or electrolyte-containing fluids. Consume fluids before you are thirsty.
Be careful you don't over-do it. Drinking too many fluids can cause water toxicity by diluting your body's sodium and other electrolytes, which may cause your cells to swell, including the cells in your brain. This is a life threatening condition. If left untreated, it may cause permanent brain damage and death .
Stop Worrying
Stress, worry, and anxiety can overtake you. Psychological distress, even at relatively low levels, is linked to an increased risk of death. An exhaustive new study revealed that even minor cases of depression and anxiety increase your risk of deadly heart attacks.
Another study found that people frazzled by even the slightest distress, those who stayed awake at night worrying, were about 20% more likely to die over a 10-year period compared to people who reported no such symptoms. Even these low levels of symptoms that you might just dismiss as just part of life were associated with an increased risk of mortality.
I found the best way to keep from worrying is to not panic and instead give it to God. He always takes it from me immediately and puts peace in my heart. He will do it for you too.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7.
If you haven't tried it, you should. It works everytime.
Eat Healthy, Nutritious Foods
Eating well is a foundation of wellness that can make you look and feel better in every aspect of your life. This doesn't mean you can't eat a cookie or two, or some ice cream once in awhile, but watch it when you do, (unless your doctor has restricted you).
I enjoy a sweet sometimes, and since I eat well balanced meals and no fast foods, I am enjoying my life 'healthy as a horse' with straight 'A' checkups, and without medications at the age of 73. And I thank God everyday for my heath.
Have A Strong Network Of Good Friends
Good friends will enrich your life and improve your health. They will stick by you, build you up and encourage you. They will support you in trying times, listen to what you have to say, respect you and your boundaries, and give you their time. They will improve your self-confidence, and reduce your stress.
I'm not just talking about family , but a true, authentic friend, a friend who sticks closer to you than family - a friend who exists due to genuine love and friendship . This type of friend you can count on, this friend is a great advantage.
While a friend is a great thing to have, it's even better to have a more than just one. A network of quality friends are essential to your well-being and happiness . Plus, people who are well connected socially have much lower risks for diseases.
Adults with strong social connections have a reduced risk of significant health problems, including depression , high blood pressure and an unhealthy body mass index. Studies found that older adults who have meaningful relationships and social support are likely to live longer than their peers with fewer connections.
Spend time with far-away family and friends with phone calls or Skype. Reconnect with old friends, and reach out to people at social gatherings.
Look for groups to join through your church or community organizations, the local library, a nearby senior center. Go places where others gather. Take the initiative rather than waiting for invitations to come your way.
Offer your time at a hospital, place of worship, community center, or other organizations. There you can meet people with mutual interests.
Above all, stay positive. You may not become friends with everyone you meet but maintaining a friendly attitude can help you improve the relationships in your life.
Happiness Is Linked To Longevity
Happiness increases longevity . Happy people don't just enjoy life; they live longer, too. A new study has found that those in better moods were 35% less likely to die in the next 5 years when taking their life situations into account.
Another study found that people who had higher levels of optimism had a longer life span. And, another study indicated that happiness adds a total of 16 years to the life of a man and 23 years to the life of a woman.
Being happy doesn't just improve your quality of life, it increases the quantity of your life as well.
Longevity comes by avoiding unhealthy habits, dangerous lifestyles, unneeded strife, and several other factors. Avoiding such things can positively influence your longevity in the long run.
A healthier, happier lifestyle certainly promotes longevity, and it also allows you to enjoy life to the fullest each and every day. Try the practices above and not only will you feel better, you will live a healthier, longer life.
Now smile and take care of yourself so you can live a healthy, happy, peaceful long life.
My name is Sarah Anderson, owner of
where I have revealed a treasury of anti aging strategies, tips and techniques to help restore the beauty of your youth. I also invite you to my health, beauty healing and longevity blog so you can learn how to live a healthier, happier, and longer life.