Tip #1 – Revealing
• Don’t give your whole story away on the first date. If you are meant to be together, you will have plenty of time to tell him about your life. If your stars are not aligned, there is no reason to share your personal history anyway.
• Do reveal some tidbits about yourself if you feel there is a connection, it will show that you are open and trusting.
Tip #2 – External v. Internal
• Don’t focus only on the material – looks, income and how impressed your friends would be with him.
• Do focus on how he makes you feel. Does he act interested in what you talk about? Do you feel comfortable with him?
Tip #3 – Bring Your Best Self
• Don’t focus on desperation, your last failed relationship or the number you saw on the scale that morning.
• Do make a list of your wonderful qualities before the date and read them aloud in the mirror to yourself. You will be amazed at how good that makes you feel and generates self-confidence on your date.
Tip #4 – He’s Just a Person
• Don’t put him on a pedestal and seek to get approval from him.
• Do hold yourself as “the prize” and look to the date as an interview to see if he is someone you would like to pursue as a romantic partner. Stay in control of your own inner power.
Tip #5 – Be Authentic
• Don’t put on an act or conform your personality to what you think he is looking for in a mate.
• Do be authentic. If he doesn’t like the real you, there is a four-letter word for that…”next!”
Tip #6 – Watch out for Familiarity
• Don’t keep giving the “bad” guys a chance with you.
• Do run if you sense that they have similar qualities as another man who broke your heart. You could be repeating the same heartache in a few months.
Tip #7 – The List
• Don’t blindly seek a mate by randomly selecting different types of men and hope that one will “stick”
• Do make a list of what is important to you so that you can steer your efforts in a focused direction and get better results.
Tip #8 – Alcohol
• Don’t drink too much (need I say more?)
• Do stay sober and safe!
Tip #9 – Patience
• Don’t try to rush a romance because they tend to crash and burn.
• Do take your time getting to know him and let the physical part of the relationship develop slowly over time.
Tip #10 – Baby Talk
• Don’t talk about marriage or having kids on your first date. (Of course, if you have kids already that is fine, but not about how many children you and your first date will have someday.)
• Do feel him about what he wants in a relationship so you have enough information to decide whether you want a second date. A word of caution --you will never know for sure what his true intentions are until you get to know him better.
Debra Berndt, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dating/Relationship Expert, Certified Hypnotic-Coach™, Author, Speaker, Dating Coach and creator of
. Debra is the host of The Hypnotic Dating Show on the Real Coaching Radio network – visit Attractlovetoday.com to hear replays of the show. Her online self-hypnosis store is the fastest growing provider of self-hypnosis products. Debra has appeared internationally on radio and television promoting the power of the subconscious and self-hypnosis to attract true love. Debra is also the founder of CreativeCoachingTools.com
, a resource for authors, speakers, therapist and coaches to promote their business and products.
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Debra Berndt, The Official Guide to Dating