Here’s what a bladder infection can do to you. Pain every time you pee, grouchy moods and constant irritation. No people would ever want to experience these nasty things.

If you need to know more about effective bladder infection cure , I extremely suggest you finish reading this write-up.

Half of women all over the world will have to go through the experience of a bladder or urinary tract infection at least once in their lives. Males can get the infections also, but not nearly as frequently as females.

Here are the top 7 most simple to follow and effective bladder infection cures:

1.Yummy asparagus:

The build-up of bad bacteria in your body is the cause of bladder infections and asparagus has been proven to kill bacteria. Go out and purchase a can of asparagus and you can drink the juice as well. Fresh asparagus is just as good.

2.Lemon juice:

Lemon juice contains tons of Vitamin-C which can definitely boost your immune system and increase your body’s defenses against getting an infection in the first place. This is one reason why drinking lemon juice is an amazing cure for bladder infections. Always remember to drink lots of water as well.

3. Apple cider:

Apple cider vinegar can also be a very effective bladder infection cure. This is another beneficial alternative to lemon juice, as it effects the acidity levels of your urine, along with killing the bad bacteria.

4.Cranberry juice:

Cranberries contain lots of vitamin-C which can make your urine more acidic. It is highly recommended to use pure cranberry juice and not the concentrated. Cranberry capsules are possibly also an option for you to consider as well. Another convenience is that they are over-the-counter.


Inflammation of the bladder and the surrounding membranes and tissues can be greatly reduced by amazing Aspirin. Aspirin won't break your pocketbook and it has been around forever. Your doctor should always be consulted first, before taking any medications you buy over-the-counter.

6.Over-the-counter drugs:

Cystex and AZO are just two of the drugs, apart from aspirin, that can be purchased over-the-counter at your local drugstore and without a prescription from your doctor.

7.Cleansing programs:

Another great bladder infection remedy is this effective cleansing program that is very easy-to-follow. Check out our website today to learn how to be free of bladder infections forever and be able to lead a healthy life again.

Obtaining a yeast infection or bladder problems definitely is not exciting and it's really beneficial for you to get rid of them as quickly as you'll be able to and discover a yeast infection relief that works.

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Williams is founder of and is a health advocate for women's issues relating to yeast infection and candida.