There aren't many people who haven’t dieted sometime in their lifetime. Dieting may include calorie counting, low-card dieting, portion control, supplements, and/or calorie restrictions. If a person does lose weight on these diets, they usually gain all of the weight they lost and some additional. Not only does dieting not work in the long-term, but it may also be harmful to the health of your body.
1. Diet Food Chemicals
Low-fat, low-carbohydrate foods contain chemicals that are toxic to the body. Often these foods contain high amounts of MSG and other synthetic taste stimulants, along with synthetic coloring. This is often labeled as “natural flavoring”, “enzymes”, “yeast extract”, or “spices.” These foods are processed, packaged, shipped, and are often frozen; they also may contain synthetic or inorganic preservatives.

All of these diet foods are processed fragmented foods that are not suitable for sustaining proper cell function and health. Many of the additives cannot be converted into living structure and are thus rendered toxic. These toxic substances add to the already toxic load of the body and should be considered disease promoting.

2. Stress
The body’s main source of fuel comes from carbon (sugar), but many fail to understand the differences between sugars or that there’s even a difference at all. In our society the main source of carbon comes from starches and processed foods that are difficult to digest, adding unwanted stress and extra weight to their body. When a person begins a diet , they often restrict their food consumption sending their body into a state of starvation. The body believes that it is starving and will begin to breakdown fat and muscle for fuel.

The body will than begin to conserve energy; this coupled with low amounts of carbon being provided creates a lethargic feeling in the dieter. This entire process creates a toxic environment. The body will begin to breakdown its own tissues to obtain necessary nutrients to neutralize the environment in an attempt to preserve health; weak nails, osteoporosis, and thinning of the hair are a few of the results. This process puts unnecessary stress on the body.

3. Glandular DamageWhen examining weight gain and dieting, one should consider adrenal function. The adrenal glands are small but important glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Their responsibilities are countless and we may never know their full functions. The adrenals are responsible for sugar metabolism. Stress, dieting, synthetic hormones, and genetic weaknesses can all weaken the adrenal glands, hindering the body’s ability to utilized sugars.

Some of the more popular diet pills and supplements contain high amounts of caffeine and other stimulants that overworking the adrenals, weakening them overtime. The body’s initial response to the stimulant may be rapid weight lose, but overtime the person’s ability to handle stress, produce hormones, and metabolize sugars are hindered. Weakened adrenals maybe seen as a contributing factor is most illnesses.

4. Dangers of Low-Carbohydrate
When a dieter eliminates all carbohydrates, good or bad, from the diet they are left with high-fat, high-protein foods. Often they consume high amounts of animal products or vegetable protein such as beans or legumes. All of these high protein foods contain acids. Animal products contain phosphoric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, ammonia, and uric acid. Beans and legumes contain phytic acids.

The body must always retain a specific state of chemistry or homeostasis to maintain health. There are only two sides of chemistry, acids and bases. The body always attempts to maintain a state of slightly base. When a dieter ingests an unhealthy amount of acids, the body tries to eliminate them as quick as possible through the kidneys. The amount of acids leaving a low-carbohydrate dieter’s urine often places unnecessary stress upon the kidneys and bladder, weakening or even damaging them. When the body is unable to neutralize and eliminate the acidic waste as fast as it is accumulated, these toxins begin to weaken and breakdown cells leading to disease.

The only way to healthfully and permanently lose weight is to make permanent lifestyle changes and address the reasons for the weight gain by increasing cell strength and function, and cleansing the body. Losing weight does not have to be a difficult and dreadful process. Weight lose should be a healthy enjoyable journey where short and long-term benefits can been seen. When done correctly weight lose should be quick, all while avoiding food restriction and harmful supplements.The goal should always be health first and weight will easily balance itself. Health is the most important commodity that we can posses and should be something that we always strive for. Fitting into a pair of jeans or a specific size is never worth jeopardizing one’s health.

Author's Bio: 

Cara is a Holistic Alternative Health Practitioner with a Doctorate of Philosophy in Science of Natural Health and Healing along with holding several certifications in other healing arts. She specializes in detoxification, iridology, Orthopathy, holistic nutrition, holistic equine therapies, and other healing modalities.

With over nine years of dedication, experience, and understanding of the inner workings of the human body, Cara is truly a living inspirational teacher of the healing arts. She has studied under some of the greatest healers of our time and has dedicated her life to continuing their work.