So many entrepreneurs are in for a rude awakening as they continue the search for the ‘EASY’ button. You know the ones I mean – they sign up for all the free teleclasses, free webinars, grab complimentary tickets to numerous events, subscribe to every possible newsletter out there – and still, feel stuck in their business.
The ‘EASY’ button does not exist. It is just that simple. Being in business is like being in a dating relationship – it takes commitment!
I was on a recent visit to the California Redwood Forest and was struck by the sheer size and height of the trees. I was on that visit with my best friend, Katie, who joined me in California from Alberta, Canada. We are celebrating 40 years of friendship . Being in the Redwood Forest with all those amazing trees and sharing that experience with my best friend of 40 years caused me to think about what it takes to succeed in business.
1) PLANT THE SEED. Nothing happens overnight – really. Nothing of any value or sustainability, anyway. Same holds true in business. You’ve got to plant seeds when it comes to client relationships, vendor relationships, business coaches and so much more. You plant the seeds and the harvest will come.
2) NURTURE THAT COMMITMENT. It takes work – hard work – to grow a business, each and every day. Many entrepreneurs believe that once things are up and running and they reach a certain level of success, that’s it. Game over. The end. Done. That is just not true. Same holds for long term friendships. It takes nurturing – for both parties. You’ve got to be committed. And you’ve got to do whatever it takes.
3) RIDE THE WAVES. Many entrepreneurs go along their merry way as they grow their business but then, once the tough stuff starts to happen, they bail. They abort the vision. They give up. They throw in the towel. Listen – you’ve got to realize that with the sun, comes the rain. It’s the same thing in business. Things don’t always go according to plan. But you’ve got to keep your commitment to the goal – to the end result. Don’t bail. It’s tempting – I know. I’ve been there, too. But it is so worth it once you ‘get through the rain’.
4) HAVE A PLAN. One of the reasons many entrepreneurs give up is because they don’t have a plan. The same holds true with relationships. When you approach your business, and/or any relationship, with a ‘just get by’ attitude , things will crumble. They just will. You must have a plan and be committed to the plan. Everything will change for you then!
I find it fascinating, these days, to observe the lack of commitment from people – whether in business, careers, family , friendships or society, in general. I know we live in a ‘throw away’ society – but it saddens me to see the lack of commitment to a goal, to a dream, to a plan. It’s always just so easy to bail – to back away from what matters most – because it’s not as easy as it first looks.
Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart – it does take commitment. And that high level of commitment pays off in the end!
What is one commitment you can renew this week that will make a serious difference in your business?
Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as a highly valued Canadian mentor for women entrepreneurs taking her own business from zero to a multiple 6-figure home-based business in less than 4 years. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise in marketing, mindset and money!
Pat Mussieux is a business coach, author, speaker and radio host. You can reach her at