It is very easy to learn how to read tarot cards. You do not need any special psychic abilities, although using tarot cards can be a very good way to develop your intuition, if you would like to do that.
You can approach learning to read tarot cards in a logical, systematic way. The easiest ... Views:2773
Tarot can help with the following:
Tap into your own intuition and inner wisdom, so you can “know” with laser sharp accuracy when something is right for you. It can help confirm your own feelings as to what the correct next steps are for you.
You can consider an “alternate future” to the ... Views:2378
The Tarot can be a fantastic way to develop your intuition or give you the confidence to trust your intuition. Ideally, you want to get to a place where your intuition automatically kicks in whenever you need it and you do not have to think about it.
You just know that something is right or ... Views:2359
I am often asked what is the fastest and easiest way to Learn to Read Tarot cards, to absorb the meanings and definitions and to understand the spreads as quickly as possible.
The answer to that question really depends on How you Learn things in general?
There are 3 main learning styles. ... Views:1606
I am often asked this question and the answer is “how long is a piece of string?” It can be as long or as short as you want it to.
I have seen claims that you can learn to read the Tarot in a couple of hours from a book or a DVD. Yes, you can get a very basic grasp of the meanings ... Views:3467
It is one of the quickest dream-killing phrases in the English language, it is a phrase that has been so ingrained in many of us since childhood that it is trots out of our mouth almost automatically and it is one of the quickest ways known to man-or woman kind to slam shut a gate the size of a ... Views:3284
Tarot Cards can be a very controversial subject and people often have deeply held fears and beliefs about them. They are, in fact, a deck of 78 picture cards. They are a fantastic tool for helping us to tap into our inner power, our creativity and our intuition. They were originally designed for ... Views:1793
When you start to raise your energy vibration, you tend to become more sensitive to negative energies around you, and can often find yourself taking on the negative energies of others or of situations around you.
Have you ever felt really up, and positive, full of ... Views:5034
Fear of Success and Fear of our Greatness
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us”
By Marianne Williamson, from “A Return to Love 1992”
When I ... Views:1673
· Be happy with who you are and what you currently have in your life.
· Be grateful and appreciate everything.
· See the good in everything you can, and look for something you can learn from things that have not gone as well as you would like.
· Focus on what you want ... Views:1548
What is Intuition or gut feeling?
In my understanding it is a way of just "knowing" something without any rational explanation for it. Often there are no external signs to back up this "knowing".
I believe it is something we all have and it is as real as the other senses of sight, sound, ... Views:1495
The most destructive phrase in the English Language!
It is one of the quickest dream-killing phrases in the English language.
It is a phrase that has been so ingrained in many of us since childhood that it is trots out of our mouth almost automatically.
It is one of the quickest ways known to ... Views:1502
Could Limiting Beliefs about money be stopping you from allowing Financial Abundance to flow into your life from your Business?
Wealth brings changes, not only a huge financial freedom, but also potentially a new set of responsibilities and worries, such as:
* How to all handle all this ... Views:1222
The TOP 10 Limiting Beliefs and how to Clear them.
Most of our beliefs about ourselves, how the world works and our deservedness of great success (or not) were acquired from our experiences as children, and many of those beliefs still run our lives as adults.
Quite a few of them no longer ... Views:5269
Creative Problem Solving
Have you
· Got Niggling worries that just won’t go away?
· Got Several possible options to solve a problem and you just don’t know which one would be the best one?
· Got Shall I, shan’t I? decisions to make?
· Lacking inspiration ... Views:3174
The Art of Receiving by Amanda Goldston (Tarot and Abundance Coach)
Give and….. – finish the sentence.
I would almost put a bet on you finishing the sentence with the word “Take”.
Give and Take is a phrase many of us use every day. Yet how does it make you feel? ... Views:2539
The THREE powerful factors that could be stopping you, as a Holistic Practitioner, from earning what you are worth, and what to do about them.
1. Money.
If you feel that you really don't earn the money you and your service are worth, or you are struggling to make ends meet, or still working ... Views:1307