I am often asked what is the fastest and easiest way to Learn to Read Tarot cards, to absorb the meanings and definitions and to understand the spreads as quickly as possible.

The answer to that question really depends on How you Learn things in general?

There are 3 main learning styles. They are called Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (don’t be put off by the names). Simply put, this means do you learn best from things you SEE, what you HEAR or how you FEEL about something.

Visual People

Visual people like materials they can SEE. If you are visual you will probably enjoy LOOKING at the cards themselves and noticing the details.

You will probably like books with more PICTURES than words and you are likely to find VIDEO (either streaming online or as a DVD) very useful.

You are likely to be a fan of VIDEO and PHOTO SHARING sites for learning new things and probably love COLOUR.

You may be quite observant and notice the smallest of details. Most Tarot decks are very rich in colour and symbolism and there is usually plenty to SEE.

When you are choosing a deck of Tarot cards, make sure you choose one that appeals to you VISUALLY. You may need a deck where the PICTURES tell the stories, so a good choice would be one of the Rider Waite decks, as the pictures tend to be clear and easy to understand.

You might be best avoiding decks that look more like traditional playing cards or which are purely symbols because you may find them harder to get on with.

Auditory People.

If you are an auditory person, you learn primarily by what you can HEAR. You may not be a big written note-taker, however you absorb material by LISTENING.

Auditory people often make good mimics as they can accurately copy the sounds of someone or something.

You probably prefer CDs or AUDIO BOOKS or AUDIO DOWNLOADS or taking part in teleseminars where you can interact with others by SPEAKING.

A good learning tip for you would be to LISTEN to audios books or audio versions of your favourite course as you are doing other things.

If you have a favourite Tarot book or course, it may be a good idea for you to READ it aloud yourself and RECORD it, so that you can LISTEN to your own voice and REPEAT things aloud in your own voice.

When you get a deck of cards, it can be useful for you to talk through (prefereably aloud) what you can see going on in the card.

Kinesthetic People.

This means you learn by FEELING and TOUCHING. You are likely to rely a lot on your intuition and gut feeling in making decisions and tend to go with things that make you FEEL good.

You like to have something you can physically TOUCH, whether that is a MANUAL or a BOOK or HANDLING your deck of TAROT CARDS.When you pick up a card, you are quite likely to get an immediate FEELING REACTION to it.

For learning , you may choose a Physical COURSE or WORKSHOP where you can EXPERIENCE and INTERNALISE the learning. You can also GET a FEEL for the teacher and the other people there.

You will probably do well with any deck of cards, as long as you feel comfortable with it. You are likely to be a person who could do very well with SYMBOL based cards because you will probably get an immediate FEELING about the cards and will not really need to have pictures to trigger off your INTUITION.

Which Style are You?

Most people are a mixture of a couple of styles, with one being more dominant than the others.

When you are thinking about Learning the Tarot, it is important to consider your learning style when choosing resources to help you.

If you work with your dominant Learning Style, you will learn a lot faster and your journey will be much more fun.

With abundant blessings.
Amanda Goldston http://www.LearnTarotOnline.com
©Amanda Goldston 2009

Author's Bio: 

Amanda Goldston is the author of “Develop Your Intuition Through Tarot”, a speaker and Tarot Coach. She has been reading Tarot cards for over 16 years and has used them extensively in her Changing Lives Coaching Practice to help 1000s of people to make the best choices for themselves. She now teaches others to read the cards for themselves for fun, profit and personal growth. For details of Amanda‘s books and courses, please go to: LearnTarotOnline.com