The Universe has many laws that people understand, but I'm going to talk to you about the opposite of the Law of Attraction, the Secret that everyone has been talking about for 3 years now. There is an unspoken Law of Repulsion and since no one knew much about it, I figured I'd discover ... Views:5001
The world is dominated by life-long learners: the people who take the time to learn everything they can about their chosen field and everything they can about corresponding subjects. The 400 most successful businesspeople "the Forbes 400" attribute most of their success to reading at least one ... Views:2589
Words are everywhere. No matter where you go "work, school, home, video games, even the Internet" you cannot get away from the written word. Being able to read faster and comprehend more of what you read will help you not only when you have to read for business or classes, but it will help you ... Views:2648
Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading method, by Dr. Jay Polmar, is designed for those who read large volumes of printed material. Sometimes they get frustrated when they can't keep up with all the intriguing literature that is released. Authors around the world produce printed data and fiction, at a ... Views:2360
Want to thrive during the hard economic times? We are some of those who are prospering during these seemingly challenging times because we are driven with new business opportunities, increased revenues, things like new book deals, and stronger and healthier relationships that have more closeness ... Views:1386
Most people can't believe it until they've tried it. 11 Minute Speed Reading is an amazing course because Dr Jay Polmar, founder of, cut out all the hot air, and teaches you the major techniques in 11 minutes.
How can this course do it? Simply, you'll learn how it was developed ... Views:2687
Just use these hints and you'll learn how to speed reading:
You can read lines of text, more easily, by reading groups of words at one time than reading a single word, and your reading speed will increase when you just widen your eye span (peripheral vision).
1. Techniques will teach you ... Views:2452
What started as a university lecture course has evolved into an affordable do-it-yourself course designed to make everyone "from stay-at-home moms and dads to administrative assistants to MBAs to CEOs" more valuable to their company in the form of The Complete Speed Reading Program.
The ... Views:2245
Nothing is worse for an avid reader and a lover of books than having a child who hates to read. Reading to a child early in life will help them foster a love of reading and prepare them to read themselves, but sometimes not even that can be enough to foster a love of the written word. Reading ... Views:3439
DYNAMIC SPEED READING becomes a part of long-term memory. We believe this is caused by intense concentration. Intense concentration causes the altering of states of consciousness which, in turn, accesses long-term memory.
Another factor is photographic or tape-recorder memories. You have the ... Views:1789
People sometimes get frustrated because they fall behind when reading and learning due to the huge amounts of reading material they must absorb for school or work. So many books are being written worldwide, that readers sometimes have difficulty keeping up with the production of fiction and ... Views:1479
The Complete Speed Reading Program includes world renown, Be Dynamic through Speed Reading. It's designed especially for college students who read large volumes of printed material. Sometimes they get frustrated when they can't keep up with all the reading workload they must accomplish while in ... Views:1708
There is a way to increase your bowling scores that - if you really want -- allows you to ascend to be a bowling champion. Sit down and relax a minute and try to visualize what you are about to read. It can change your bowling skills in just the 2 minutes it takes to read it.
Imagine sitting ... Views:1935
Did you realize that improving your bowling may not have anything to do with how you throw the ball? And, it may have everything to do with how you visualize throwing the ball and how you see yourself getting the strike or spare. If you are a bowler, you now have the potential of bowling even ... Views:1118
The written word is everywhere. In this days fast-paced, get-it-done-yesterday world, being able to speed read "and remember what you read" is nearly a matter of professional life or death. If your reading speed is more tortoise than hare, perhaps its time to look into a new way of ... Views:1532
How do we teach to each other? How is it that we were taught everything that we now know?
At some points in history, knowledge was elitist and even a forbidden concept. In 399 BC, Socrates explained that he was known as the wisest of all men since he understood that he knew nothing. Socrates ... Views:1272
Human beings have an amazing Power attached to their thoughts. Think about it. You have amazing POWER connected to your THOUGHTS. Let me rephrase it: Your have energy connected to your power of thinking. Now that I've informed you of this, do you instinctively worry about those thoughts that ... Views:1121
Roland Emmerich's film 2012 caused a big hullaballoo, and all the disaster-porn films we've been seeing for the last 50-60 years or so is scaring the heck out of viewers. So badly are they scared of the end that they are watching the same movies of disaster, over and over, with different actors, ... Views:1471
The worlds most famous speed reading course is Reading Dynamics developed by Evelyn Wood. Its famous for teaching people to read faster, or speed reading as she called it. Her live course was the first known course that taught students to read faster and it started with about 25 hours of ... Views:2216
It's amazing. I've been writing books for years, and selling them online for nearly 15 years, and previously only in print through selling foreign licenses, or printing them myself, advertising them, and selling them either online or in classes I taught.
Now there is a better way. If you have ... Views:1090
Various hand movements can cause acceleration of reading speed. We are about to introduce you to several hand movements that will accelerate your reading ability. Try each one and see which suits you best.
The basic pacing movement utilizes the index finger of your ... Views:1454
Make Extra Now When You Need It! Yup! You need more money. The world's gone nuts and you need to protect yourself and your family.
Simply - what happened: The fear and the greed have now gripped the world. It was only 3-4 months ago when the sh-- hit the fan and the public began their ... Views:1329
You already own the greatest reading acceleration device that has ever been developed. It is simply your hand that will help you read faster. People have spent thousands of dollars attempting to increase their reading speed. But no inventions or machines can do what your hand and your pacing ... Views:1442
Everyone is trying to save money these days. Finding bargains is quickly turning into the Western worlds favorite pastime. A close second is doing anything that one can to make oneself invaluable to his or her employer.
What would you pay for that next promotion? What would you pay to ... Views:1431
How would you like to remember 90% of what you read from anything: the newspaper, your favorite novel, business reports, your child's MySpace blog? How would you like to be able to read faster? Perhaps you'll even read 3x faster and still remember almost everything you read! How would you like ... Views:1458
The mind is an extraordinary power of which we only use a very small portion. In our book, "Speed Reading in only One Hour" we will show you how to tap some of that unused power and use it for your personal success in high school, college, and life.
Your brain and mind are capable of ... Views:1358
Many people do not believe they have the ability to read faster because if they had, they already would be reading faster. And, they've gotten so many years of demonstration (like taking their current age and subtracting 4 to 6 years) and that read in the same way --- yes for years!
Not only ... Views:1345
Have you ever declined joining a book club because you can't remember a word you read or because you can't keep up? If your reading speed is more tortoise than hare, perhaps it's time to look into a new way of reading.
But wait you say. It took years to learn how to read before. I just dont ... Views:1298
DYNAMIC SPEED READING becomes a part of long-term memory. We believe this is caused by intense concentration. Intense concentration causes the altering of states of consciousness which, in turn, accesses long-term memory.
Another factor is photographic or tape recorder memories where you see ... Views:1418
The big hullabaloo from Roland Emmerich's film 2012, and all the disaster films we've been seeing for the last 50-60 years or so is scaring the heck out of viewers. So badly are they scared of the end that they are watching the same movies of disaster, over and over, with different actors, ... Views:1804
Everyone is trying to save money these days. Finding bargains is quickly turning into the Western worlds favorite pastime. A close second is doing anything that one can to make oneself invaluable to his or her employer.
What would you pay for that next promotion? What would you pay to ... Views:1824
How would you like to remember 90% of what you read from anything? Including reading the newspaper, your favorite novel, business reports, your child's MySpace blog. How would you like to be able to read real fast? You can read maybe even three times faster and still remember almost everything ... Views:1900
The mind is a source of immeasurable power, and we only use a tiny portion of it. In the book, "Speed Reading in only One Hour" I show you how to tap some of that unused power and how to use it for your own improved grades in high school, college, and great successes life.
Your brain is ... Views:2389
Imagine you are a parent of a 9 year old girl, a 13 year old boy, and a 19 year old. You know that their futures depend upon their ability to read and assimilate information, putting it into memory and into use. What are you going to do?
You can double, and even triple reading speed, improve ... Views:1990
Many people do not believe they have the ability to read faster because if they had, they already would be reading faster. And, they've gotten so many years of proof (like taking their current age and subtracting 4 to 6 years) and that read in the same way --- yes for years!
Not only is it a ... Views:1791
How would you like to remember 90% of what you read from anything? the newspaper, your favorite novel, business reports, your child's MySpace blog? How would you like to be able to read faster? Perhaps youll even read 3x faster and still remember almost everything you read! How would you like ... Views:3508
What started as a university lecture course has evolved into an affordable do-it-yourself course designed to make everyone "from stay-at-home moms and dads to administrative assistants to MBAs to CEOs" more valuable to their company in the form of The Complete Speed Reading Program.
The ... Views:2060
What would you do if you found yourself with an extra hour a day? Would you get a jump on the next day's projects? Would you use it to work on that never-ending honey-do list? Would you use that extra hour to ensure you would have an extra hour every day to make yourself invaluable to your ... Views:2074
Nothing is worse for an avid reader and a lover of books than having a child who hates to read. Reading to a child early in life will help them foster a love of reading and prepare them to read themselves, but sometimes not even that can be enough to foster a love of the written word. Reading ... Views:2129
Many people do not believe they have the ability to read faster because if they had, they already would be reading faster. And, they've gotten so many years of proof (like taking their current age and subtracting 4 to 6 years) and that read in the same way --- yes for years!
Not only is it a ... Views:2040
Beginning in 1980, Dr. Jay Polmar received the dubious nickname of Dr. Speed. He got the funny name because he rushed from one college to the next, from Texas, to New Mexico, to Arizona, to Colorado, to Oregon, to Hawaii, and on and on --- teaching a special 3 day course on Speed Reading. Hence ... Views:1749
by Dr. Jay C. Polmar, contact:
Dec. 5, 2005 - Mexico City
In a world gone crazy over the use of drugs, legal (pharmaceutical) and illegal (street drugs), a large problem faces governments attempting to control the flow of illegal drugs from the ... Views:1785
Talk about research - we went to Hawaii. It was 1999 we did a little research program to verify the effectiveness of our speed reading program. It was done in a small town in Hawaii, on Maui, where education wasn't that good and students certainly needed to read more ... Views:1487
founder of
Many people discover that the book they have grand hopes of gaining enlightenment from turns out to be very difficult to read. Realistically, any book intended for the general publiccan be understandable if you approach reading it in the right manner.
So, what ... Views:2603
A. Choose a subject to write about and narrow it down to three basic specifics you’ll cover. Be sure that you don’t create a monumental task.. Remember this is only a five hundred word piece you’ll be creating. When your term paper or thesis ... Views:1771
Introduction to Speed Reading
by Dr. Jay Polmar, founder (
Learning our speed reading methods is easy and financially beneficial in life. Even if you are just learning for pleasure, you can read an entire book in under an hour. Anyone can double their ... Views:1668