Everyone is trying to save money these days. Finding bargains is quickly turning into the Western worlds favorite pastime. A close second is doing anything that one can to make oneself invaluable to his or her employer.
What would you pay for that next promotion? What would you pay to practically guarantee a raise? In this days global financial market, what would you pay for simple job security?
Self-improvement classes of all types starts from $200 to $2,000 and offer mixed results and mixed promises. There is one company, however, which offers worldwide results and guaranteed outcomes.
SpeedRead America, Inc. has condensed their 3-day live speed reading course into a compact, at-your-own-increasing-pace ebook course to help you"the busy business professional"not only make yourself invaluable to your employer, but to also improve your chances of getting that all-too-important promotion or surviving the latest round of job cuts.
This course has been taught to everyone in the corporate world from busy executives to the administrative assistant answering the phones in more than 20 countries world wide in more than five languages, all with amazing results. Many mid-level managers see promotions in less than three weeks. Everyone who takes the course doubles their reading speed in just the first hour"some even triple or quadruple their reading speed!
How much would you pay for the opportunity to do more in less time, leaving more time for family , friends, or hobbies? What would you pay to practically ensure job security and a promotion?
With our do-it-yourself speed reading course for the business person, you can not only increase your chance of succeed in these economic times, you can also choose the price you will need to pay!
The Speed Read Complete Corporate course is specially designed for the busy professional and is guaranteed to help everyone in the corporation from the newly-hired administrative assistant to the CEO.
For a very affordable price, you can make an investment in yourself that will touch every aspect of your life.
Get the best grades with Be Dynamic and learn to Be Dynamic through Speed Reading Click here for other unique corporate productivity articles .
Dr. Jay Polmar, the founder of www.speedread.org , taught classes in colleges and universities for 16 years.