There are still many unfounded myths about hypnosis which need to be dispelled so that more and more people can take advantage of this powerful and safe way of healing body, mind and spirit. The following points should help all those who approach hypnotherapy for the first time to understand its ... Views:1844
It needs to be stressed that in hypnotherapy the client and the hypnotherapist work as a team and only by their combined efforts will they be successful. Some people even say that actually all hypnosis is self-hypnosis because without the intention of the subject, the hypnotist is ... Views:2444
The large majority of smokers started smoking when they were very young, because of peer-pressure, in order to feel more grown-up and ‘cool’. Things, however, have changed dramatically in recent years and our society now sees smoking for what it is: a very harmful habit which can lead to a ... Views:2054
There are two very distinct types of future life progression: one that stretches into the far future, into our next existences, and one that explores the more limited (and closer) future in this life.
A word of warning here: the future is only an endless number of possibilities. Every day and ... Views:5460
Past Life Regression is a very flexible tool in the hands of the experienced practitioner. Advanced techniques, stemmed from basic regression work, can help to solve quickly and efficiently a large array of problems, touching many different areas of our lives from spiritual to psychological and ... Views:3692
The origins of Reiki are controversial and shrouded in mystery. Many claim paternity but it’s more likely that polygenesis played an important role in confusing its origins. In fact, like many other ancient beliefs and healing techniques, we can find traces of pseudo-Reiki techniques all over ... Views:2190
There are two fundamental types of regression: Age Regression and Past Life Regression. However, the distinction is only in our minds because the techniques used to heal traumas and other problems are the same since the Subconscious doesn’t see the passage between this life and the previous ones ... Views:2571
If hypnosis is extremely powerful and therapeutic in the most varied healing scenarios it is because it allows us to get into direct contact with our subconscious mind. The idea we have of the Subconscious has evolved greatly since Freud “discovered” it in the second half of the 19th century. ... Views:6466
I suffered from psoriasis from the age of 12. For nearly 12 years I tried all the medicines doctors gave me (including having my mother putting very sticky creams on my head in the evening, sleeping with a towel around my head and washing my hair before going to school). It was tough. It didn’t ... Views:9644
More and more often, while channelling, psychics meet the spirits of departed animals who had been dearly loved by their clients. They are there with their human departed ones, without any difference between them at all, sending their love and affection. The fact that these encounters are now ... Views:2965
In spite of the frequent staunch ostracism that the idea of rebirth has encountered throughout the centuries, it has never been extirpated and today – although the traditional religious systems are in crisis throughout the entire Western civilisation – the belief in reincarnation is growing ... Views:1172
More and more often I see clients who ask me to help them to access the interlife state (also known as the life between life state).
When we undertake a past life regression we normally investigate the most important facts of that life and then we are led to the moment of our death and to the ... Views:1405