There are two fundamental types of regression: Age Regression and Past Life Regression. However, the distinction is only in our minds because the techniques used to heal traumas and other problems are the same since the Subconscious doesn’t see the passage between this life and the previous ones as a barrier. It sees all our past experiences as a continuum, all on the same level. When I work with a client who needs to find the root of a problem/illness/behaviour, I always give an open instruction: “Go to the root of the problem”. I don’t give dates and times because although my client might be sure of the origin of their problem, we know that we can be wrong. An open instruction/question gives the Subconscious the freedom to use its wisdom and its knowledge to go to the right place, wherever it is located. In the 80s Dr Weiss stumbled into past lives’ memories by chance, while regressing a client with a lot of problems. Instead of asking her to go back to a certain age of her childhood, he inadvertently told her to go back to the root of her problems: and there she was, in another time, another place, another life. It happens quite regularly that when I regress a client to the root of their problem(s), they recall memories both from past lives and from the early years of their present life, without any distinction. For simplicity I shall therefore use the expressions “Past Life Journey” and “Past Life Therapy” even when a regression to previous years of the current life is or can be included.
Some people come for past life regression out of curiosity or some intellectual interest and in this case the process is straightforward, but in many cases the client has a specific reason to come to me and ask for a past life journey (or for me to suggest such a therapy). These reasons are many and varied, as well as the techniques/therapies used to deal with them. Some of these situations can also be dealt with using conventional hypnosis (or even NLP techniques without hypnosis ), but I have seen that when these same techniques are applied in this context, the results are quicker and more fulfilling because they really go to the core of our being.
You might think: “Well, I don’t believe in past lives!” My answer is: “Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter”. The entire process is deeply healing and very powerful in itself. Think whatever you want: it’s imagination , daydreaming, collective unconscious, real memories … the result doesn’t change.
© Renata Bartoli 2009
I have a solid academic background with more than 20 scholarly publications to my credit and many articles on Hypnotherapy, Spirituality and Healing. I have nearly 40 years’ experience in helping teenagers and adults to improve their lives and solve their problems (gained teaching in Colleges and in Adult Education in several different countries), which I combine with the expertise I have obtained from my lifelong studies of Reincarnation and Spirituality.
I began practicing hypnotherapy in Italy in 1994, and since I moved to the UK I have gained several formal British and American qualifications in Hypnotherapy and Counselling.
I am now the director of my own successful private practice in North Harrow (London), At The Apple Tree Hypnotherapy. Footprints from the Past is our specialised branch dedicated to Regression work and other holistic techniques.
We specialise in Advanced Past Life Regression Techniques, Stop-Smoking and Weight-Management Therapy as well as Grief and Bereavement Counselling. We have also created a very powerful new technique called Interactive Inner World Therapy, exclusively practised At The Apple Tree, which combines various techniques in a new blend of therapy that yields excellent results for many and varied conditions both physical and emotional (see our website for a complete list of the therapies and techniques available). We actively update our expertise on an ongoing basis and we are fully insured and bound by a strict code of conduct. Confidentiality is assured at all times.
As a practice we endeavour to provide support and guidance (via email and telephone) after a client has left our premises for as long as it benefits them. Our objective is always to provide a high quality bespoke service to those who put their trust in us, which is why we work only with a limited number of clients at any one time.
All our scripts are personalised, and our clients can be assured that they are created specifically for them and perfectly tailored to their problem and the causes that created it. We are all unique individuals with unique needs and unique solutions, and we know that having the same problem doesn’t mean that we can solve it in the same way. At The Apple Tree we shall help our clients' Subconscious to unleash their full potential.
All therapies are offered in ENGLISH and ITALIAN. Telephone sessions are available worldwide via Skype or conventional telephone connection.
(see our websites :