Many years ago, I fell in love with the movie “Pay It Forward” and the theme song “Calling all Angels” by K.D. Lang which was also the theme song of the TV show “ Beauty and the Beast”. I really couldn’t understand the meaning of the words at first and was sure I heard the words wrong. As I listened to the song over and over, I discovered that the song explains that the reason we agree to all this suffering is “the sweetness of the leaving”. Knowing in my heart that the most beautiful part of our life will be “crossing over”, I started to understand it. I played the song at my son’s funeral when he suddenly crossed over. That was truly a test for me as to whether I believed the words of the song. The agony of living through that first year withheld the truth of those words; the pain was overwhelming.

If we are truly blessed and die after raising our children and seeing our grandchildren grow up, the dying process can be a welcome event and can bless many people in many ways. Very often much needed forgiveness, insights and great love are the gifts to a family that has time to prepare for a passing of a loved one as well as when tragedy strikes. However, when a child dies, even one that dies before its birth, the ripple effect seems so much more profound and affects so many more people at a much deeper level. It seems almost a sacred event, one that involves much planning in the pre-life stages and much love from the “other side”. Sacred contracts between parents and siblings must be honored regardless of how painful the agreement.

Many many parents who have lost their children are now reporting, more than ever before, ADC’s (after death communications). This was a hot topic on the TV show, “The View”, when John Edwards was on the show. The implication, contrary to his experiences, was that this was not possible. As we have become a culture so afraid of death , keeping people alive at all costs long after they would have naturally passed away even fifty years ago, it makes sense to me that so many children are finding ways through ADC’s of all kinds to let people know there is NO SUCH THING AS DEATH.

Many parents of today have amazing relationships with their children in spirit. Most people think the mother has pretty much lost it when she begins to talk about these things, but more and more cases of this are being reported. In all of the messages from gifted mediums like John Edwards and Silvia Brown, it is always conveyed that we have nothing to fear. There is only peace , joy and learning as life continues on the “other side”.

As we are being faced with the fear of health care being limited for the very sick and elderly, I have to ask myself “are these children trying to send a clear message that it is not scary to die; it’s just coming Home”? No one wants to come out and say it but we have replaced a graceful peaceful death with machines and needless isolation. Preparing to enter the Kingdom of Heaven should be looked at as a joyful event not a tragedy. In many of the ancient cultures this wisdom was accepted and death was not feared but celebrated.

As ADC’s from my son began, and I believed what was happening, our connection became stronger and stronger. Profound messages about my addiction to grief were first. Then he awakened me at four thirty in the morning only to find my husband having a near fatal heart attack. Messages about my clients and then messages from him through other people about my own health and events upcoming in the life of my other children were constant. In my healing room, he has communicated through my cameras, turning ordinary cameras into extraordinary aura imaging cameras in order to teach and assist myself and others.

One morning when I was leaving early for a teaching event, I was being very quiet so I would not wake my husband. I forgot something in my healing room where I keep a photo of my son in a frame that had a recording of his voice laughing and saying “I Love YOU Mother” when you press the “play button”. It takes a fair amount of pressure on the button to make it play. As I was quietly sneaking out of the healing room it played without me pressing the “play button”. As it played by itself I was reminded that he is always with me. I know he waited for the perfect moment for that reminder. I also know that when he recorded it, somehow, on a deeper level, he knew how much that was going to mean to me. The words of the song give me great comfort as I know now that there truly is “Sweetness” in the leaving.

Author's Bio: 

Regina Rose Murphy L.M.T. is the Founder of Emotional Sound Techniques, and Love in Action, Author and a practitioner in the Healing Arts