By expanding this concept, the voice of a “Loved One” on a CD, with healing frequencies, can also be used in nursing homes, intensive care units and hospices facilities. A free audio download is being prepared with special frequencies. Sound experts are now adding the new frequencies which should improve the healing qualities.
Regina teaches “Emotional Sound Techniques” to lay people and professionals and has developed a “Harmonic Health System” for the lay person. This system uses the Meridian system of the body, an OM tuning fork and two quartz crystals. Her workbook on Emotional Sound Techniques at is a free download for those who visit the site. She would like as many people as possible to learn how to balance themselves. Visit the website dedicated the to Love In Action Inc by clicking on the menu bar on the left.For Donations to the Oasis On Campus Trearment Center, State of Nevada, the Following DVD's are available Donations are voluntary and will not be tracked by Regina Murphy We prefer that they be made directly to:
The Oasis Center 6717 W. Charleston Blvd Building #13 Las Vegas NevadaAttn: Evelyn Squillari in the form of: Target and Wal-Mart cards, Pizza Hut and my personal favorite Regal Cinemas These things are not in the State budget and employees of the State are prohibited from raising funds for these children. The money raised this year was not even enough to take the children to a movie and a buffet for Christmas.
Featured DVD's DVD of Dr. Kurt Ebert on "How Sound Waves Work" filmed in the Retreat Center in Mt. Charleston in August 2004 one year before the appearence of the image of 'Mother Mary" in the window
DVD of Samara Joy, channel for "Mother Mary" as she channels in front of the miraculous window the night Katrina hit and days before Regina's son died.
Study free workbook, learn and implement tapping, Psychological Reversals and the “Four Minute Reprogramming” procedures all Free on Website.
Certification and Teacher training available for Emotional Sound Techniques and Harmonic Massage. Free Programs Coming Soon
Mother Mary healing Meditation with improved Solfeggio healing frequencies.Especially helpful for addiction and our men, women and children in harms way. “The human voice is most powerful and recognizable healing force on earth. This is sent free by putting your email address into the "opt in" box as a Mp 3 download. If desired in CD form you pay only a shipping and handling fee of $5.00
702 525 7312
email is my preferred method of communication