Before meeting the founder of the Healing Tao, Master Mantak Chia, in 1981, Raven was a well-trained actress, singer, and dancer of ballet and jazz, who performed with a male partner for a total of twelve years, (from ’68-’80), doing specialty acrobatic-adagio dance in Radio City Music Hall, and other theatres, nightclubs and casinos world-wide. Raven continued in show business as a solo Charlie Chaplin dance act that utilized her talent as a front bending contortionist, and as a corporate event entertainer using skills that included mime, clowning, contortion, star impersonations and psychic reading of palms until retiring in 2000. Mantak Chia certified Raven in his first class of teacher trainees in 1983. She now holds certification in nine Healing/Universal Tao course levels. Her understanding of Tai Chi deepened with her studies of Yang Long form, Yang Fast form, Liu He Ba Fa, Push Hands, Ba Gua Chuan and other Chi Kung styles with Master Wei Lun Huang, beginning in 1991. Raven also attended Taste of China workshops in 1994, ’96, ’98 and ‘00. In each of these summer seminars, a dozen excellent teachers presented styles of Tai Chi and other Chi Kung forms for interactive participation. In 1994 Raven performed a Dance-Contortion routine to Chinese Music at the Friendship Demos on special request of Master Huang. In 1997 Raven joined on as a professional in the National Qigong/Chi Kung Association, and in 1998, was presented as a panelist in a four-part presentation on Women in Chi Kung. She was a speaker in 2005 and 2008. In 1999, she became a founding member of the Women’s Qigong Alliance. Also, Raven is an organizer of local teachers who participate in the Annual World Tai Chi/Qigong day in Broward County Park locations. Additional points of interest include having had her own cable TV show in 1982 called Ultimate Stretchon Manhatten Cable where she taught her exercise program she founded and later called “Anatomy Stretch”. In 1991, Raven was chosen to be co-hostess on a cable T.V. show in Miami called New Age Vision, where she interviewed sixteen S. Floridians about their self-growth techniques. Raven has written and has had published very many articles on topics of holistic healing, with the majority being about her studies in the Healing Tao. She is writing a book on same. Dozens of speaking engagements on the Healing Tao have been at learning institutions, organizations, community centers and corporate functions. She volunteered for the Listeners Program at Olsen Middle School from 1993-01, through Mental Health Assoc. of Broward County. Raven is an ordained member of the Universal Brotherhood and I.S.I.S. ministries and has received much instruction from Science of Mind, The Rosicrucian’s and is grateful to so many other teachers. She attended college level courses in Acting at Goodman School of Drama, and Art classes at Goodman Theatre in her native Chicago.
Raven continues teaching an average of eight Tai Chi-Chi Kung classes weekly, plus meditation workshops. She has produced a video of the forms she teaches for her student’s home practice which includes a song she wrote and sings, entitled “Tai Chi- A Way to Learn to Be”… She has written a C.D album of 11 songs about the Self Healing Journey. It is called, “Jazz-UP CHI… Songs to Inspire and Tickle Ya !” She performs the songs interspersed with Qigong (Chi-Kung) instruction to corporate and private groups and is a enhancement speaker on cruise ships.
The Beach Does the TeachingBy Raven Cohan It was fortunate for me when my husband Gene and I moved to Hollywood Beach, FL. Until then, I’d been in South Florida for over five years and hardly got to the beach. I had taught Healing Tao classes mostly indoors, and with a few exceptions in parks up until relocating. Now here was this wonderful stretch of beach only 150 paces from my door. It seemed so natural to begin teaching Tai Chi-Chi Kung classes there. It’s going on our 14h year at this beautiful spot within protected parkland, that has permitted me a ‘no overhead’ paradise that offers it’s daily teachings to my students and me. Every day the sky and sea play host to us. The students and I are amazed by completely different energies that are spilling out of nature’s cornucopia on a daily basis. The expression, ‘The best things in life are FREE’, comes to my mind when I describe them. Here follows some examples which we tap into in order to replenish our Chi: The 5 elements certainly come out to play! The shore is constantly gifting us with a surprise of fresh deposits that spilled to it from the oceans depths. (Some of the coral and shells are millions of years old.) Each day, the sun rises in an original choreography and the wind is so extremely crafty in sculpting the sand and sometimes pelting us with her gusts. It is true, that the hurricanes are here to teach us to not take anything for granted. (Of course, I do take class indoors when extreme conditions challenge the benefits, but we wear windbreakers up until I determine we are better off inside. We don’t give up too easily. All the more incentive it is to empower our chi fields by spiraling mind-eye forces around our Chi Belts!) The last example, but certainly not least is the ocean herself, who dresses in colors that vary enormously and textures which are smooth as silk to choppy, wavy and beyond. Such strong waves make me realize why the Healing Sound for water can be “Chhhhhuuuuuuiiiiiiiii”. I conduct my class facing north. We can look up the beach to quite some miles ahead. It’s not so difficult to visualize the east coast of our United States and the continuing coast up in Canada heading straight to the North Pole. With practice we can easily connect with the North Star and envision the Big Dipper whirling around that star. How much more easy it is to bring that powerful light into our Tai Chi poles and get centered through our training to deepen our roots into Mother Earth’s core. To our East is the Ocean herself and just a block away at our West we can feel the intra-coastal waterway with its everglades, that makes our area the barrier reef that it is. To our South we can energetically travel the coasts downwardly to South America. The South Pole and Southern Cross offer their powers to us with an openness that grows to be truly tangible despite how many thousands of miles away they are in actuality. Tuesday evenings when I conduct class at Sunset, the autumn and winter seasons last year of 2005/6, have offered us a star-filled vista. Due to the phenomenon of having views of Mars and Venus which are the largest we have seen in a while or will be privileged to see for only one more time in most of our life times, it seems really easier to hook up with their energies. The proximity of the planets have offered us this illusion and it has been truly quite a show. Doing our meditations and various gongs that help us to root, align and connect with more vital forces, seem to me to be more easily felt than when enclosed in a community center room such as that where I taught for ten years in the evening. I unconsciously knew I was receiving a more stilted energy by teaching indoors, yet it took me to last January ‘05 to finally quit the Center for all my classes. Now I teach only one indoor class in a kung fu dojo. There are many who believe it is safer to teach indoors and I say more power to those that either have no choice or prefer the protection. My challenge is to bring my newer students my experience that will energetically transmit in helping them to bolster their Chi fields so the colder winds don’t enter. I feel thankful to have easy access to our greatest Power Spot in all of South Florida. We have no grand mountains. In fact we have no mountains at all. Upstate in Florida there exist some forests. Our skimpy forests here in south Florida, however, are mostly sea-grape trees, which rarely grow much beyond one-story in height. We have some beautiful parks with or without lakes that envy any other of the world’s towns and cities. However, I have a slogan etched into a rock that was sent as a gift from my step-daughter. It says, “If you’re Lucky Enough to be at the Beach you are Lucky Enough”…. And I gratefully say, YES to that!!!
Please Look at my own Web site:
Look at to hear samples of 'Jazz-Up Chi- Songs to Inspire and Tickle Ya'
These songs cover the good intentions we need when we are on our path, and presents honest obstacles that can come up, and teases us to move through our challenges.
Raven Cohan
TLC Tai Chi-Qigong/Healing Tao of S. FL.
314 Oak St.
Hollywood, FL. 33019