Ralph P. Brown (also known as Tawennihake) is a Mohawk Indian of the Akwesasne tribe. He currently resides in Nebraska, creating his art and delivering his message from Earth Lodge Studios. Ralph draws inspiration his native culture, nature and his unique perspective on the world and his spirituality. He has studied with many Medicine Men from several different tribes and is a ceremony leader and pipe carrier. He is the author of "Awakening the Eagle: A Guide to the Medicine Wheel" and "13 Virtues to a New Life: A Journey Around the Medicine Wheel" available at http://www.RalphPBrown.com and from various book distributors. Ralph is also a self-taught artist who uses a stipple style to create the pointillistic impressions of his cultural and spiritual ideas. Visit his web site at http://www.mirroredwindows.com for additional insight, stories, lessons and visual creations related to many native American stories.
Our ability to reason stems from how well we perceive. What happens if our perception is short-sighted and our reasoning is a product of a narrow-minded perspective?
Experts in the field of psychology posit that our ability to reason is what sets us apart from the other creatures of the earth. I always get the feeling when I hear this that it is a kind of declaration of our superiority and all the justification needed to proclaim that we are the dominant species. We may be the dominant species and our ability to reason may be why that is so, but still we suffer with the economic melt down, Wall Street woes, corporate bailouts, global warming, urban sprawl, deforestation and so on. These are the products of short-sighted perception and narrow-minded reasoning. If our reasoning stops at immediate gratification, at what appears to benefit us in the here and now instead of extending to the possible effects on the future, we may not want to wave the banner of reason so proudly.
The Native elders teach that "the view from your own lodge is always narrow. You have to roll up the hides to see clearly."
If you can imagine sitting inside a teepee while looking out of the door, you can envision the small view of the outside world you would have. If you made all of life's decisions based on what you could see from this position, I think you would agree that you would be ill equipped to make an informed determination regarding anything other than the inner world. To see a broader view of the world, you must roll up the hides and look in all directions.
As an individual, as a society, as a nation, as a world – our reason must expand and mature. It must grow in a way to include both self and others, the now and the future, and it must always include the Mother who cares for us – Mother Earth. At that time we won't be so concerned with being the "dominant species", only with being the most reasonable.
May your reason be a light unto the world.
In Spirit, Ralph
"Be aligned with your purpose and swim in the positive current that assures you of success and positive outcomes. Isn't this great?! This is what is meant to be responsible for your own happiness and well-being. We put ourselves in the flow and all else is added to us!" - Ralph P. Brown
The Untrapped Mind... in 40 Words
This is one of the most profound single sentences ever uttered. It is from Konosuke Matsushita:
"The untrapped mind is open enough to see many possibilities, humble enough to learn from anyone and anything, forbearing enough to forgive all, perceptive enough to see things as they really are, and reasonable enough to judge their true value."
There are five values in this forty word sentence that work towards an untrapped mind. You could spend a lifetime learning each of these values and incorporating these into your life and it would be well worth the effort. Just think what it would mean to you, to your family, to your place of employment or to your community if these values were at the heart of your life.
Let's take a look at each one:
HUMILITY: Humility is recognizing that we are no greater or less than any other creature. Whether we are leading or following depends on which way we are facing in the circle. The humble know the same is true of teaching and learning and they accept both roles with equal deference.
FORBEARING: Another word for forbearance is tolerance. Tolerance is closely related to humility in that it acknowledges that we all make mistakes. You want to be just as quick to overlook the mistakes of others as you are to have others overlook yours.
FORGIVENESS: When someone commits an egregious error against you, do you allow the light of forgiveness to shine - or do you allow the pain to fester? I like what Samuel Clements said about this, "Forgiveness is like the scent of a rose left behind on the heel of the foot that has crushed it." Lack of forgiveness traps the mind in negative and harmful energy. This energy is corrosive and damaging.
PERCEPTIVE: One of the hardest things for man to do is NOT form an opinion about people, places, events or anything else. Even if we know the nature of something it is not until we know how it relates to all other things that we learn wisdom. We must have all the information we can get before we take the things we have perceived and reason upon them.
REASONABLE: Determining true value can be tricky because our reason can be short-sighted and stop once we see that (insert person, place, thing or event here) benefits us here and now without seeing the possible long-term effects. For instance overeating, over spending and excessive drinking may provide joy in the short term but have deleterious effects in the long run. If our reason is short-sighted in its scope and we fail to perceive far enough, then our reason is limited. Sometimes to our detriment.
You may have noticed how each value seems to hinge on the one before it. This is one of the reasons the quote of Konosuke Matsushita is so profound. How far can this quote take you in your self-development? In your career? In your relationships? For Mr. Matsushita this philosophy has taken him to the head of one of the largest electronics corporations in the world, Panasonic including all its subsidiaries.
How you get this to be a part of your life is different for each person, but the pursuit of such a life is in the best interest of everyone!
Ralph is a wisdom keeper and Medicine Wheel guide who believes that we each need to find balance.
"Awakening the Eagle: A Guide to the Medicine Wheel" is the story of young Okwaho as he learns from the stories of wise elder, Lightning Eyes. Okwaho grows and understands the importance of this balance through these stories and the interpretations of how he can put the Wheel to use in his own life.
Email: ralphpatrick.brown@gmail.com
Web sites: http://www.mirroredwindows.com or http://www.RalphPBrown.com