Nick Imoruis a multi-gifted motivational speaker, author, educator, human resource consultant and an Engineer. He is the founder and director of Esteem Motivation, Inc- the umbrella of the highly successful COACH to Super Success Seminars/Workshops. A coaching program organised in different establishments, schools, universities, churches, etc throughout the world. He is also the writer and executive producer of Esteem Thoughts; a free widely-distributed motivational teaching going out to thousands of weekly subscribers on the topics of self improvement, spiritual growth, natural health, personal growth, relationships, mentorship, career success skills, and brain improvement. The central theme of his message is awakening the genius in humanity.
His organization & ministry, Esteem Motivation, Inc.has conducted training programmes for thousands of students, workers, church-members leaders and business-people for a wide variety of institutions, churches and establishments. So far he has authored more than 500 popular articles, nuggets, teachings and research papers in spiritual, academic, career and financial fields and more than 10 books. This includes many Motivational Teachings, Bible Study Outlines, Career & Academic nuggets.
Nick's first book on Personal Growth & Self Improvement entitled: Becoming The World's Greatest, has been praised by many leading motivational experts and is popularly considered as a "Personal Motivation Plan For Self Improvement." Yes! The success of this book motivated him to continue publishing books, which seek to improve the lives of others.
Nick Imoru got his first degree in Mechanical/Production Engineering, and his Masters from Staffordshire University, United Kingdom in Advanced Technology - He concentrated his degree on using advanced tools and techniques in Human Resource Management and development. Also, he is currently doing his Doctorate degree in Ministry and also enrolled in a PhD program to further study apologetics and human development at Trinity Graduate School. However, he is a motivator by calling.
His organization also operates success principles and strategies coaching Institute called COACH to Super Success Institute that offers an unparalleled education and training to adult learners around the world who attend classes and interact with faculty and other students by mail, on the Web, and in person at her various CTS Workshops and Seminars across the UK. This CTS Instituteenrols students who have dedicated themselves to become super success in their spiritual, academic, career and financial pursuits in life and destiny. The school offers a free distance education courses, online courses, dispersed-residency intensive seminars in the United Kingdom.
I think the best way to experience Nick is to listen to him speak. I would recommend that you get started with the Making of Greatness Audio set or the Coach to Super Success Series (both are available on CD or audio cassette). Then you will understand his speaking ability and the manner in which he empowers people. Nick is a thought-provoking motivator.
However, if you’re a reader, start with any of these two book:
“The Making of Greatness”designed for your personal growth and self-improvement. The “Ten Irrefutable tools of greatness” discussed in this powerful book are motivational Keys to help you fulfil your destiny. Nick packaged this book to give you the tools needed to terminate your indecision, stagnation, slow motion, uncertainties, and to provide time-tested and proven answers for the questions in your heart. "If you don't know your destination, you will never make a departure."
“A Heart For God”designed for your spiritual empowerment. Through this book, you will understand that; "It is not the anointing that makes the mark; it is not the name that makes the mark; But A HEART FOR GOD." This destiny-moulding and life-impacting message will open your eyes to the secret and tells you that behind the inexplicable favour, sweat-less rising, unprecedented success, and peaceful advancement is a man with A Heart For God. This is the very foundation for every great tomorrow. Once you can get hold of this truth, it will deliver you from devastating fast and rigorous prayers.
For an in-depth information about Nick, do visit his website
Nick Imoru
Esteem Motivation, Inc.
31 Flat 4, West Pilton Gardens
Edinburgh, EH4 4EF. United Kingdom
Phone: 44-131-4762834
Mobile: 44-782-5986499
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