Many people will have at least one traumatic event in their lifetime that will be a source of anxiety which would benefit from professional help. Often times it is a painful ending to a relationship that results in a very cautious approach to new relationships with a fear of being rejected. In others it is a phobia that may result from a painful experience such as a car wreck or a fear of getting ill after a serious illness. For soldiers in combat it may be watching themselves, or someone else, get seriously injured or killed. The point is that treatment for trauma related anxiety is relatively simple and straight forward. The treatment of choice is to find a professional trained in treating anxiety who practices Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure Therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. All of these work well to bring about a condition of calm in the face of what may have been a very anxiety provoking situaion. These are the treatments that our clinic offers.