Merna is the founder of Doing Life Differently and creator of her own life.
Merna is an Appreciation Artist and Connection Expert working with people seeking improvements in their lives.
Merna is passionate about providing tools and information for people to develop themselves to their full potential. She is focused on doing life differently through self awareness and personal mastery.
Merna lived in complacency just doing what had to be done to get through each day. This worked as those goals where acheived but there came a point when she realised there must be more to life. So she began searching for some way to "take it up a notch". Thats when she discovered self awareness and self betterment require constant work. She is a work in progress and believes everyone should aspire to develop themselves more. To this end she is committed to linking people to resources, ideas, programmes and experiences where they can gain the skills and support to do life differently.
My webpage has been designed to provide insight into new experiences.