Owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, Meri Raffetto is a recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. With a Bachelor degree in both Nutrition and Psychology, Meri has extensive experience in nutritional counseling, education, and medical nutrition therapy. She has worked in several specialty clinics including eating disorders, weight management, heart disease, maternity support, and alcohol recovery. She has also helped develop nutrition programs for hospitals and corporate wellness.
Meri is a member of the American Dietetic Association and served as the president for the California Tri-County Dietetic Association. She developed a unique online platform where people can receive one on one e-coaching with a Registered Dietitian. Her company, Real Living Nutrition, has 34 licensed providers across the U.S. who provide e-coaching services with a focus on weight management through healthy lifestyle changes.
Balance Program
Create a New You with personalized weight loss coaching. The balance program is a membership where you receive a detailed nutrition and lifestyle assessment, 9 of our exclusive e-coaching sessions with your dietitian, an online workbook to go through with your dietitian and tools such as a self discovery library, a cookbook and restaurant guide, and our goals tracker...all from the comfort of your home. Learn more at https://www.reallivingnutrition.com/Product-Balance.aspx
Mini Diet Makeover
This is the assessment part of the Balance Program where you receive a detailed nutrition and lifestyle assessment, a diet makeover, an action plan, and our healthy living cookbook and restaurant guide. Learn more at: https://www.reallivingnutrition.com/MDMSales.aspx
Weight loss is not about dieting...if it were then there wouldn't be a 95% failure rate. I believe that by making small changes to your diet and lifestyle is the key to long term weight loss. It's also important at the same time to discover what holds you back from achieving these goals. Past conditioning, emotional eating, stress...these things all contribute to our overall relationship with food. We have to understand that relationship in order to make changes that will result in permanent weight loss. This is true lifestyle change.
We must become the change we wish to see
~ Gandhi
The best way to learn more about our unique online weight loss services is to visit our website. Check out some recipes, read some articles, and meet our dietitians. Sign up for our free newsletter so you can hang out with us for awhile and learn more about our approach to weight management. If you have questions feel free to email or give us a call. You can find contact information on our website.
Visit our website at: http:// www.reallivingnutrition.com