Active most of his life, Jay has a passion for fitness and helping those that need a little extra motivation in getting off the couch. As he aged, he could see more and more the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. He's seen too many people around him fall apart because of bad habits that with a little work can easily be turned into positive habits.
At 45, he's in the best shape of his life and although he feels there's always room for improvement, he doesn't feel his age and many say he certainly doesn't act it. To Jay age is just a number and he only plans on getting better with age. Like a fine wine you might say :)
Even with multiple injuries and physical setbacks over the years, he feels there is no excuse for not being healthier and in better shape. Even the age old excuse of having no time to workout has been answered with the creation of his new website Time Crunch Muscle at .
When not working or working out, Jay can be found on his computer doing more reading and research in the areas of health and fitness. "Getting in shape is easier than people realize" he states. "It's work and it takes discipline, but once a person gets into a routine of eating better and exercising, it does become a habit that will last for the rest of your life and become quite enjoyable. It's never too late to turn back the clock."
Please see his contact info and websites to learn more about Jay and what makes him tick.
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