A Little Bit About Heather Taskovics...
In 2008, I got involved in network marketing to provide an additional income for my family while staying home with my daughter. I started working as an MLM (Multi-Level Marketer) with one very well-known health and wellness company, but the approach to getting people to join and purchase the products did not jive well with me. In fact, I felt like their methods were a bit old-fashioned (contacting friends and family, posting ads ALL OVER the Internet) and simply did not work for me.
So, I left that company, tried working with a variety of other different MLM and affiliate opportunities, then moved on to ANOTHER health and wellness product company, for which I am still a distributor to this day.
I knew I wanted to continue working with a company whose products I believed in and use, but I felt that there was more to marketing than what I was doing. There had to be a BETTER WAY!
Going *Back to School*
So, I signed up for a $3000 home-study course that takes a year to complete. It's been a good course--and I still study with it--but what got me was how they focused so much on cold calling store-bought leads in the beginning of the program. I know that there are many marketers out there who don't mind spending hours calling people from a list--it just was not for me. I knew that my energies could be better spent going about marketing in a different way.
A year ago, I stumbled upon a great group of extraordinary entrepreneurs, led by some of the most fascinating masterminds in the industry who think a little differently and act a little differently than the majority population of network marketers out there. I found myself signing up for courses to learn how to do what they have been doing--a much more progressive approach to marketing--known as attraction marketing --by using the power of social media. It was while learning all there is to know about social media marketing and applying that knowledge to my own business that I realized that I had finally found my true calling in life--as a mentor and success coach to those who are trying to create their own prosperity in the network marketing industry while achieving personal greatness for themselves.
As a result of all the time and energy invested in taking all these courses, my blog has been featured on Katie Freiling's website as one of her top blogging students , and has been listed among the top MLM blogs to watch in 2010 by ThatMLMBeat.com . In addition, I have had the great privilege and honor of being selected along with a handful of others to be a Community Leader in Katie's newest venture, The Unified Tribe .
What I Can Do For You
When you choose to work with me, you will learn:
In addition, I will personally guide you on your path to becoming more connected with who YOU really are and will provide the support that is essential in your personal growth and development in business and in your life.
My wish for you is that you are able to use the information I am sharing and apply it to your life in order to achieve TRUE HAPPINESS, SUCCESS AND GREATNESS in all that you do.
I am here for you.
For more information on how I can HELP YOU FIND YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL and BECOME THE SUCCESS YOU'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF, please contact me at contact@heathertaskovics.net .
I look forward to connecting with you.
To Your Ultimate Success And Prosperity!
Heather Taskovics
"On A Mission To Help You Achieve Success In Life"
Tel: 781 475 0936
Skype: heather.taskovics
"On the journey to greatness, the road starts from within..."
"When you are passionate and sincere about what it is you are doing and are consistent in your efforts, all the doors will open up for you and the most amazing things will happen."
To learn more about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, check out my blog ( http://heathertaskovics ) and read the latest insights and trainings that will help you improve your business and your life. While you're there, sign up for my newsletter to get updates on the latest blog postings and cool happenings in and around the social media marketing industry.
Thank you so much!
Heather Taskovics
"On A Mission To Help You Achieve Success In Life"
Tel: 781 475 0936
Skype: heather.taskovics
Facebook - http://facebook.com/empowerment.prosperity.success
Twitter - http://twitter.com/htaskovics
LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/heathertaskovics
Digg - http://digg.com/users/htaskovics
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