Gene has devoted over 30 years to researching, testing and applying self improvement and personal development information. During this time, he discovered his greatest joy came in helping others to achieve their goals.
As an entrepreneur, he has enjoyed success and experienced the disappointment of failure. It was the difficult periods in life where he learned the most valuable lessons.
Gene's roller coaster ride through the highs and lows of life resulted in his self help Web site which offers A Free Self Help Tutorial for those who would like to learn tips and techniques to change their behavior and quickly achieve their goals.
I previously believed being successful meant acquiring wealth. Having done this, I still felt there was something important missing in life. This became the turning point, where I began to learn about and understand the functioning of our human brain.
Your level of success is only limited by the negative subconscious programming running on auto-pilot; sabotaging your efforts.
Total success in all areas of life is dependant not only on your conscious choices, but more importantly on eliminating this self-sabotage pre-programmed into the subconscious mind from genetic DNA and early childhood training.
Then using simple techniques you can re-program the subconscious to act in harmony with your conscious choices.
"Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death."
"Don't be afraid your life will end, instead be afraid it will never begin."
We have a tendency to think our problems are unique and our skills are common place. In reality, your skills are unique and most will experience the same problems.
Gene originally wrote a self-improvement book, but decided the information should be available to everyone for free.
Because of this decision, the content was broken down to bite sized chunks and is now offered as a Free Self Help Tutorial at his website.
You can easily get in touch with Gene by clicking the "Contact Me" button on his site: