Frank Healy is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Life Coach. He is one of about 50 people who have been classified as having Hyperthymesia by the University of California. Frank participated in their reserch studies because he remembers every day of his life since he was six years old. He is now 54. His memory of each day includes the day of the week, the weather in his locale, news events and personal experiences. Recalling so much in his life had it's advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include recall of every happy experience he had with friends, family, school, and his wife. The corollary of that is that he remembers all of the negative things. Bad days at work and school, slights from people, bad days at jobs, romantic breakups etc. Before he began his own journey he would recall bad memories with the same emotional intensity as if he was experiencing it now. He had learn to let go of the feelings. He now counsels and coaches people to heal from the ill affects of their own traumatic and unpleasant memories. This can help people be happier and move on to a successful present and future.
Frank lives with his wife in Dennisville, New Jersey. He is in private practice at Associates For Life Enhancement in Northfield, New Jersey. Frank enjoys going to the beach, reading, writing, playing quizzo with friends (It's a trivia game) and playing ball wth his grandsons.
You can heal the traumatic affects of your past memories.
You can master your thoughts and feelings, they do not have to master you.
To appeal to someone's ego, treat them as though they are the most important person you have ever met. To appeal to someone's soul, interact with them in a spirit of total acceptance and therefore, love.
The victim is not the person who is being judged. The victim is the person who is doing the judging. They are the unhappy one. The person being judged does not have to judge back.
You may or may not have heard of the study at the University of California where are around 50 people who have the ability to remember every day of their life since mid childhood. I am one of the people they are studying and it includes the actress Marilu Henner. This ability had it's dark side. When I recalled an unpleasant memory I experienced it with the same emotional intensity as if it were happening now. Through my training in couseling and the creation of my own techniques I learned to let go of the bad feelings, such as sadness, anxiety, anger , guilt and resentment.
Although you may not have the memory that I do, you may have some negative beleifs form past memories and they may be interfering with your life. There are many ways that this could show in your life. If you get a heavy feeling, if you feel you do not fit in with others or don't belong in the world. You might be hesitant to set any goals because you are afraid of failure, or if you have set goals you may not be reaching them. Have you tried to apply the Law of Attraction but it just does not seem to work for you?
I can help you eliminate everything that stands in the way of your happiness and success. My book Heal Your Memories, Change Your Lifehas exercises that I have used successfully to help my counseling and coaching clients. It inclues stories form some incredible people who overcame a truamatic abusive childhood, a head injury, school bullying, as well as other of life's travestries. If you would like additional help.