About Celia Westberry
Celia Westberry is a speaker, author and wellness lifestyle coach.
For over 15 years Celia has been helping people achieve significant wellness goals. And she does it with great spirit, and personal conviction that help people to achieve serious meaningful results.
Celia has been writing and speaking about wellness, and the impact of mind /body skills to preserve excellent health and deter aging mishaps since 1990 when she founder Westberry Wellness Programs. She has introduced hundreds of teachers, children and business people to the general principles of mind/ body / spirit wellness skills
She is uniquely qualified both as a scientist and collage lecturer. Earlier in her career she did scientific cancer research at MD Anderson Research Hospital and at University of Texas Medical branch in Galveston, Texas.
She taught cell and molecular biology for ten years. And in 1990 Celia founded Westberry Life Programs, now Westberry Wellness Programs, LLC a consulting business.
Her private clients get practical and rich content which they can apply to their life goals for extreme health and wellness. She has developed a comprehensive wellness program to guide you to the best health ever for increasing longevity and reversing disease caused by imbalanced eating and activity. Her private clients get practical and rich content which they can successfully apply to their life goals for extreme health and wellness to become resilient to the ravages of aging.
In her personal healthy lifestyle coaching she helps individuals to unravels the secrets of wellness that leads you to a point of personal awareness where you are happier, healthier and more fulfilled.
She gives you the benefits of 20 years of experience in her healthy eating cookbook Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly - the easy way to slow aging, feel great and look good. .
Her motto: Now is the moment of power!
Your imaginationis the invisible connecting link to manifesting your own destiny.
Wayne Dyer
Now is the moment of power.
I help people to make small changes day by day that will grow into them taking their healthiest path day by day.
Everyday is an adventure in body love when you raise your level of healthy food awareness
I write about aging and healthy longeviety. To get started with my concepts about wellness here is a Free eBook - h ttp://www.westberrywellness.com
Wellness Coaching
Have you ever felt that you have reached the point where you want to achieve more – in every area of your wellness? Do you want your energy level to match your wellness goals? If you desire more confidence and fulfillment to achieve your wellness goals, then you have every thing to gain when you enroll in Westberry Wellness Coaching Westberry Wellness Phone and E- Coaching Program