Cathy Archer is a rainbow person: A rainbow person is an individual that has interest and skills in several areas (Fern Gorin—Life Purpose Institute). Her formal training includes a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a master’s in Human Resources Development & Administration and she continues to work as an Organization Development Consultant from time to time; however, more and more of her time is focused on writing. She has authored several books for herself and as a ghostwriter. Her business book is entitled, A Different Path, A Different Result: A New Consciousness Model for Business .
Her most recent addition is an e-book entitled, How To Be A Writer: Guidance for writing a nonfiction book . Always having the desire to help others be all that they can be, Cathy is also a certified Life Purpose Coach and develops unique tools to help individuals overcome obstacles to be able to achieve their goals. One of the tools she recently developed and offers as a free tool for new writers is “7 Steps to Removing the Blocks to Writing Your First Book,” which can be accessed at . Coach Cat’s newest website is developed as a community for new writers to be able to get tools and support for the process of writing a book. Her goal is to see all those who wish to write a book ‘someday’ begin today and looks forward to seeing all would-be authors at the finish line.
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I believe in a metaphical approach to life because it was important for me to find a philosophy of life that fit my life experiences, and not force my life to fit a particular philosophy.
Cathy Archer
Excerpt from article, "New Consciousness In Business? Why Not!"
Why is it that we keep our general philosophy of life separate from our business practices? It is almost as if the application of this to business is off limits. Well, I couldn’t disagree more. When I believe something, I believe it whole-heartedly. And I believe that one’s philosophy of life should apply to every aspect of one’s life. For a very long time, I felt an unease with the separation of my philosophy of life from any business involvement I had, until I finally did something about it. (see the book, A Different Path, A Different Result )
I was driven by the incongruence of a metaphysical philosophy of life with current business practices. In my mind, there was something wrong with believing that all men are created equal (beyond the founding fathers and society’s sense of the concept) and the current organizational practices of the superiority of some, and the inferiority of others. If one believes, metaphysically speaking, that we each are self-determining individuals with the power to create our own experiences and direct our own destinies, why is there a seeming need to hand over our power as individuals to the bosses within organizations to do with as they please?
For more information on my philosophy of life, and insights and exercises that might help you explore your philosophy, see A Different Path Magazine at