Karen L. Simmons, is the founder and CEO of the award-winning, internationally acclaimed Autism Today, ( www.autismtoday.com ) a world leading autism information and resource center which raises awareness and education about autism by hosting numerous top expert conferences across the globe. Karen is also founder of the non profit KEEN Education Foundation whose sole purpose is to enhance the education of special needs children.
Karen’s passion for autism and special needs comes from her own experience. She is the parent of six children, two with special needs and all of whom are special. Karen is also the author six widely cherished titles including Little Rainman, The Autism Experience, Artism, Peace of Mind for Autism CD, Surrounded By Miracles and The Official Autism 101 Manual. She is a Co-author of a forthcoming Chicken Soup For Special Needs Community book with Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield and Heather McNamara.
Karen is active worldwide in promoting a deeper and more personal understanding of autism and Asperger's Syndrome and most recently all types of special needs. Her main goal in life is to “shine light” on all special needs individuals. She has been featured in international publications such as Woman's World Magazine, The Donna Seebo Show, The Vicki Gabereau Show and numerous radio talk shows and print media. A former jeweler in Seattle Washington and Edmonton, Alberta, she is also related to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and former member of the U.S. Air Force and is a dual citizen of both the United States and Canada.
As well, Karen is an international presenter speaking to audiences on topics such as resiliency and the power of persistence to the special needs arena and beyond. Karen makes her home in Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada with her husband Jim Sicoli and their six children, Kimberly, Matthew, Christina, Jonathan, Stephen and Alexander where she rounds out her motherhood experience with her families own gifts and eccentricities. Needless to say, Karen is a busy woman!
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Join Karen and 22 of the world's foremost autism experts as they present Autism Through the Years! February 14 - 17, 2008. ( click here for more information )
· Bio-medical and educational intervention
· Current intervention methodologies
· Resources needed for recovery, advocacy, and education to acheive a better quality of life
As often as 1 in 150 babies develop into children with autism
A decade ago only 1 in 2,500 were diagnosed with autism. It was 1 in 10,000 in the early 80's. The disorder was first recognized in 1943.
1.5 million Americans have autism.
As many as 4 million people could have autism by 2015.
It is the fastest growing developmental disability.
People with autism account for nearly one-fourth of the 6.2 million special needs Americans.
1 in 68 families are impacted by autism.
The National Institute of Health will spend 102 million dollars in 2005 on autism research - a five-fold increase in six years.
Growth comparisons during the 1990's:
U.S. population increase: 13%
Disabilities increase: 16%
Autism increase: 172%
$90 billion annual cost to care for those with autism
90% of costs are in adult services
Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention
In 8 years, the annual cost will be over $200 billion annually
The field of autism and related spectrum disorders is a vast field of many studies, reports, opinions and personal experiences. Autism Today (found at www.autismtoday.com ) is an exceptional information foundation for anyone looking to learn more about autism and its related disorders, but more importantly, it can put you in touch on a human level with others who are experiencing autism today. Blogs will keep you up to date, personal stories will inspire you, conferences will inform you and
Once you have explored the site, I encourage you to read more about autism, its impact, its potential causes, and real strategies for parents and educators by browsing our hand picked products .