Veronica Garrett is a Naturopath, Metaphysician and energy medicine researcher with diplomas in Vibrational Healing, Nutrition and post graduate Herbal Studies. Of equal value are the insights gained through years of experience with animal patients, the research into herd dynamics and an understanding of horse/human communication and relationship.
As a practitioner she saw the energetic effect animals generally had on human emotional and mental wellbeing. As a horse owner she not only saw how the horse resonated at the level of our spiritual wellbeing but more specifically how the horse became a channel for "spiritual advice" .
A keen interest in Energy Medicine through Nature developed into an exciting new modality of healing and a new field of Personal and Spiritual Growth. With everyday observations of life, and from the intelligence and information channelled from our fellow creatures Holistequine was created; and eventually a system for bio-energetic feedback developed. This method works not only using horses but with any "mirror" (person/animal/event) we have drawn into our life.
The complete system is called Whole Body Intelligence.
Holistequine (Equine Assisted Therapy) utilises the W.B.I. method while working through the energy field of the horse (Entrainment) to improve the human condition. Negative emotions and outdated attitudes and perceptions are stored in our lower 3 chakras often unconsciously causing problems in our relationships and life generally. This "stuck" energy can be released only when the "host" feels safe. Because the horse resonates at a level of unconditional love he can transmute these blockages in a way that no human can; the only prerequisite from the client is a willingness to let go.
The work with horses at this “blueprint” or programming level of dis-ease is in its infancy but we have seen (through the W.B.I. exercises and sessions) that by the simple act of changing our spiritual intention we can transform our lives.
Equine Assisted Therapy works with clients who might arrive with headaches, sinus problems and an array of minor ailments which disappear after being around our horses. They often cry and release old programming while working with a horse of their choice.
This particular family of horses at the Holistequine centre; the elders, the parents and the youngsters act as archetypes in people’s lives, so that issues created years ago by absent family members are energetically cleared by the horses. Once this negative energy is removed it's effect is permanent
As we progress on our evolutionary path we are all (consciously or unconsciously) experiencing an expansion of sensitivity, a feeling of "Oneness" or, a sense of merging with “the other”.
These "others" are people, animals and events that we attract into our lives as "mirrors'' or clues to help us see how we need to change for our higher spiritual growth.
We just need to be able to read the cryptic information
With the online courses and assessments (even without a horse) you can learn why your life "mirrors" that is your pets, family members and friends are in your life and what they are trying to tell you
The new incoming energy is forcing us to marry the ego with the higher self thereby transmuting all the polarities within. The information and feedback in the Whole Body Intelligence System is channelled through the horses; it is a transpersonal technique aimed at training the “mind” to operate a new way. It expands on the definition of “mind” to include all of our other perceptive facilities. W.B.I. is of the belief that intelligence is within every cell and that when we use this whole body intelligence we can integrate body mind and spirit and live holistically. We can “think” from the intelligence coming from the heart and Love and act with the intelligence coming from the mind........for it becomes one.
For information about Equine Assisted Therapy and our programs go to
Holistequine offers on-line courses and E-books for anyone wanting a better connection with their horse or for those wishing to pursue a career in Equine Assisted Therapy and Life Coaching
The gift of the animals is to open humanity to the next evolutionary step on our journey. They will help us to explore and to trust our 6th sense and to gain insight into claiming our higher perception and intuition.
Our animal friends represent or mirror our own "animal" nature and when we can learn to love these aspects of self, especially the part "that spits and bites" we can love ALL
The separation between our ego and our Higher Self is the root cause of all dis-ease at every level of body, mind and spirit; therefore we cannot move into the One until we heal the fragmented parts of the whole
On-line Personal Equine Assisted Life Coaching (working with your horse as a mirror for Personal Growth) encompasses becoming an Equine Assisted Therapy practitioner
On-line Personal Life Coaching this course owning a horse is not required for interpretation purposes. Other "mirrors" i.e. pets, people and situations become the catalysts to reveal the clues to any personal issue or dis-ease
Equine Profiling reveals the psychological predisposition of the horse. By having an assessment of your horse's mental history and soundness you will gain a better understanding of his/her behaviour
Holistic Horsemanship...... on-line courses for riding with one mind with the bitless fearfree approach to horsemanship
To establish fearlessness, trust, wisdom and clarity within we must first see our self through the eyes of our horse E-mail
Equine Assisted Therapy is becoming popular as an alternative treatment in healing and personal grow please go to for more information