Ms. Terry L. Hansen was born and raised in Alberta,Canada.While she freely admits to graduating high school with a 64% average, she wasnot content to accept what those marks suggested—that she wasn’t all thatsmart. Hansen struggled against that label, and successfully completed atechnical degree in electroencephalography (brain wave testing) at theUniversity of Alberta Hospital. Hansen returned to university, earned a BAFirst Class Honor’s Degree and received scholarships and awards for maintainingan exceptionally high Grade-Point-Average. Hansen was awarded the Dean’sSpecial Scholarship to pursue a Master’s of Science in the Faculty ofKinesiology. Subsequent to receiving her MSc., Hansen was accepted into the PHDprogram at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience at the University of Calgary. She was awarded the Cooperaward for having the highest mark in the course “Cellular and MolecularNeuroscience”. She is trained in brain mapping, a complex skill that aids inthe placement of a permanent electrode deep within the brain to aid in reducingthe devastating symptoms of advanced Parkinson’s Disease.
Havingsuccessfully completed two years of her PHD, Hansen chose to take a leave ofabsence in order to promote her unique method of learning, Genius by Choice.This incredibly intelligent and compassionate woman was being asked repeatedlyhow she maintained such high marks, as a single-mom, going through a difficultdivorce, and commuting two hours per day. Her answer is contained in Genius by Choice for College Students .Initially, the intention was to write the book and then return to her PHDprogram. However, it quickly became apparent that students of all ages werebenefiting from her learning system. Hansen continues to train students in herunique approach to learning, and has had tremendous success. She has beeninstrumental is altering students’ lives, creating a promising and fulfillingfuture for many. Hansen is an honest and inspiring speaker, a creativeinventor, and a strong proponent for fixing what she believes are profoundlydamaging educational errors. She envisions the day when all education will bebased on the principles of neuroscience and is truly a pioneer in the effort toexpose learning myths and offers simple, tested solutions for increasinglearning outcomes in education.
"Sometimes, the solution finds you". Copyright bookmark for Genius by Choice Inc.
"The brain already knows how to learn; you just have to let go of the old ideas of studying...I took a completely opposiste approach to traditional teaching. We have to get inside the brain, from a cellular, physiological level, to help students excel". Printed in the Calgary Herald, Thursday, Aug 2, 2007
The best way to learn about anything is to figure out the correct questionsto ask. I believe that most people, at some point in their personal learninghistories, asked a wrong question. That question was 'What is wrong with me? Why can't I learn?" And well-intentionedpeople went scattering to answer that question--What is wrong with people whocan't learn very well? That one misguided question has lead to a plethora ofineffective answers. Every scientist knows that the question iseverything. If you start with the wrong question, you cannot possibly find a solution. It will lead you in the opposite direction every time.
In contrast, I started with this question. Is there an easier way to learn?That question already assumes that the problem does not initiate with thelearner, but with the methods. In attempting to discover the answer to thatquestion, I examined current methodologies used to promote learning. Armed with some knowledge about generalized brain function, rather than presumeddysfunction, the answers lined up and presented themselves. I had the pleasureof rearranging these variables, encapsulating them in a scientific structureand then performing the required testing of this novel arrangement.
The answer to the question “What is wrong with me… is nothing”. The answerto the question “Is there an easier way to learn” is yes. Now the question is “Howdo I make learning easier for you?” And that question… I can answer.
Ms. Terry L. Hansen,MSc. BAHon, EEG | President |
Genius By Choice Inc.
Training. Teaching. Learning. For Life.
Telephone: (403) 9320-7444
*denotes Electroencephalograph Technologist