Sherri uses all that she’s learned through her vast experiences and wisdom to not only enjoy success for herself, but to teach the shortcuts so other women can live it too!
“From personal experience as a female business owner and working with other women I understand the unique nature of the struggles of professional women trying to push forward in a more aggressive manner, taking on more male dominate traits and allowing our Feminine strengths and virtues to go ignored, unused and then end up exhausted (and usually broke!).
I teach women how to use the Feminine characteristics, such as intuition, relationship building, our softness, nurturing, etc. as real advantages to be used to benefit any woman's professional life followed by sound business tools and skills. Only as authentic Feminine Women can we operate from a place of real empowerment and then begin to utilize the more masculine traits such as assertiveness, order, linear thinking, etc. to our business advantage.”
Sherri Hughes, The Success Diva
Pause Within Motivating Messages™ are positive affirmations and inspired thoughts designed to help you re-program your negative mental messages and receive maximum, successful results in your life and come directly to you on a regular basis by telephone or voice mail messages.
Pause Within Motivating Messages™ are professionally designed motivating messages created by Sherri Hughes, an experienced and well known Certified HypnoTherapist, Life Empowerment Coach, Reiki Master and published author who is a Personal Mentor and Guide to many on their Journey to a life of Joy.
Go to Pause Within Motivating Messages to receive your FREE 21 Day Trial!
Quotes from Pause Within Motivating Messages:
These Pause Within Motivating Messages are written and recorded by
Sherri Hughes, a Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Life Coach. These messages are sent daily to your telephone or voice mail to assist you in over coming negative beliefs and obstacles in life while changing your thoughts to more positive, empowered beliefs.
You can try Pause Within Motivating messages FREE for thirty days by going to
and see for yourself how life transforming they can be.
Love your self first....
To love another it takes first loving yourself. Loving yourself means to treat you as well as or better than you would any other. Give your self a well deserved break this week. Take a day off or an afternoon to play, call a friend for lunch out, take a walk in the afternoon or better yet a nap. By nurturing your inner self your life becomes more pleasurable, you allow love to grow and are able to give and receive from that abundance. Do yourself and others a favor this week take time for you, you are worth it!
Life is a game...
If life is a game that we get to make up each day, then whose rules are you playing by? Begin now to break the rules that apply limitations to who you are and what you can become. Challenge your old beliefs about who you are and what you can accomplish. Your only limits are the ones you give your self. Begin now to live large, dream big and have fun, letting go of all the shoulds and "how tos". Create an outrageously joyful life and watch others flock around you wondering how you did it. Just smile and say, I play by my own rules and get to make them up as I go. They may not know what your talking about but you sure do.
Each day is a new beginning...
Success comes from getting up each day and starting over, reaffirming your vision, adjusting your course and walking the path in front of you. Success comes from holding on to your dream and having a singleness of purpose while allowing the way to gently unfold in front of you. You do not need to know how to achieve your vision for your life, you just need to begin the journey and allow the Universe to show you the way. Spirit seeks the journey and the ego seeks a destination. Allow Spirit to guide you and your job is to enjoy the journey as your vision comes true.
Life is about what you do....
Life is not about what happens to you. Life is about what you do with what happens to you. Do not allow outside circumstances to interfere with your dreams and visions for your future. Act as if they have already come true, over stepping reality to get to the other side of your dream. Operating from the place of already being in your dream is what faith is made of. Have enough faith in yourself, God and the Universe to overcome the external obstacles and focus on making your dreams come true.
That small inner voice...
Your intuition is your quiet inner voice that helps you make decisions, gives you direction and acts as your guide. Intuition talks to you in different ways. Sometimes it is a strong feeling or an inner knowing, other times it is a sudden flash of inspiration or a moment of clarity. No matter how intuition speaks to you, know it always wants the best for you. Next time you are faced with an important decision, pause, calm your mind, let go of self-serving emotions or thoughts and allow that quiet inner voice speak to you. At first, it may be subtle. But with awareness and practice you can recognize it instantly. Trust your intuition to be your guiding light. It will never disappoint you!
Change your thoughts, change your life...
Motivating, positive messages are like planting seeds in your conscious mind and having your subconscious mind nurture them to fruition. These affirmations are powerful and can instantly change your thought patterns. Change your thoughts, change your life. This is the key element in transformation. Your thoughts are energy just waiting to manifest and you will attract and create what you think about. Believe these positive thoughts to be true, take actions to make them true, look for ways the affirmations are manifesting, and it will become true. Say affirmations with a loving heart and a positive mind and give thanks and gratitude every day. Believe in the magic of life; go from ordinary to extraordinary and unmask your potential by programing your mind daily with motivating messages.
As a special offer to Self Growth readers I am offering my Success Vision Quest Program for just $47, which normally sells for $297 on my website.
The Success Vision Questprogram is designed to assist you in your professional and personal life to find clarity and direction and create the life of success you desire.In order to be Successful in your Life and your Profession it is critical to understand exactly where you are and where you want to go to determine the easiest, most productive way to arrive there. The information you receive from the Success Vision Questis the beginning to your Journey to Success by assisting you in becoming more aware of your strengths and your blocks and identifying and recognizing your authentic self.
Please vist The Success Diva to read more about the Success Vision Quest Program and receive the support and direction you need today.
To learn more about how to achieve joy in your life visit:
You can also email Sherri at:
To discover more about Pause Within Motivating Messages please visit: and receive thirty days FREE of Pause Within Motivating Messages.