SANDRA ZIMMER is the President of Sandra Zimmer & Associates, Inc and the Founder of The Self-Expression Center . Sandra and her staff at The Self-Expression Center work with business professionals and performing artists who are struggling with communication or gripped with stage fright or fear of speaking in front of others.
Sandra is a leading expert in the areas of stage fright, fear of public speaking and performance anxiety. She is the creator of The Zimmer Method that transforms stage fright and fear of public speaking into presence and passionate expression. Her method helps people be who they are in front of others, so they feel confident to share their ideas, insights, expertise and talents with the world. Participants connect with their natural abilities to express themselves when they speak, present, sell, persuade, perform or communicate.
Group and individual programs include Presentation, Persuasion & Leadership Presence , Speaking from the Heart, Transform Stage Fright into Authentic Presence, The Power of Your Speaking Voice, Develop the Presence of a Leader, Group Facilitation, Acting for Non-Actors, Courtroom Performance and Speaking Clearly for Foreign-Born Professionals, and One-to-One Communication Skills.
Ms. Zimmer holds an MA in Theater from The University of Houston, Teaching Certification in Voice and Speech from the renowned voice trainer Arthur Lessac and a BA in Psychology from the University of Texas. She also has over 30 years of experience with spiritual psychology & self-awareness and earned a Doctorate in Esoteric Philosophy from The Esoteric Philosophy Center in Houston, Texas.
Ms. Zimmer has facilitated groups and individuals since 1976 at The Self-Expression Center and in companies and corporations. Her teaching credentials also include The University of Houston Theatre Department, Houston Community College Speech Department, The State Bar of Texas Continuing Legal Education and The University of Houston Law Center. She has designed group-training programs for AIG-VALIC, Brown & Root Services, KBR, Lockheed, FKP Architects, Star Enterprise, Neill Corporation, Pointsmith, Walter P Moore Engineering, Transwestern, Welcom, AXIS Dental, The Houston International Television Association and Dub Miller Ford. She has coached individuals from over thirty Fortune 500 companies, including HP, Compaq Computer Corporation, Baker Botts, Vincent and Elkins, Siemens-Nixdorf, Exxon, Amoco, Baker Hughes, IBM, Coca-Cola Foods, Shell, Marathon Oil, SYSCO Corporation, Linbeck Construction, Kraft Foods, Aetna, American Express, AT&T, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Gap, Lyondell, Schlumberger, Proctor & Gamble, Tyson Foods, Microsoft, Mellon Financial, KHOU-TV and KUHT-TV.
The Self-Expression Center is located at 11221 Richmond Avenue, Suite C-104, Houston, Texas, 77082. You can reach Sandra at 281-293-7070 or Web addresses are and .
Nelson Mandela spoke and Marianne Williamson wrote the following words that sum up my belief about self-expression and sharing our gifts with the world.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Stage Fright is a Sign you are Sensitive
People who have stagefright and fear of public speaking have the potential to be brilliant business communicators, speakers, actors and singers! That is because they have the feelings. Their feelings are up to the surface where they can be used to make genuine connection with audiences, groups and listeners. Genuine connection is the key to brilliant performances and presentations.
If you have stage fright or fear of public speaking, it is a sign that you are highly sensitive. You probably already sense that you have more passion than you allow yourself to express when you speak, present, communicate or perform. Because you have stagefright, your passion is so strong that you do not know how to let it flow through your body when you are the center of attention. This public speaking anxiety causes you to shut down the flow of emotion when you are in front of others. Stage fright makes you tighten your body from the neck down and go into your head, sometimes even feeling "out of body."
Don't Just Overcome Stage Fright and Fear of Public Speaking, Transform it into Passionate Expression
The solution for stage fright and public speaking anxiety is presence - to learn to stay present in your body, in the moment and to allow your passion to be expressed in your presentation or performance.
The Zimmer Method Our approach to help you overcome fear of public speaking first teaches you how to transform the tension of stage fright into a relaxed and authentic presence. Then, we guide you to connect with your passion and express yourself freely while you are performing, presenting or communicating in front of others. So you can shine!See Transform Stage Fright class descriptions.
See Sandra's article “ 10 Ways to Transform Stage Fright ”.
Hear Sandra speak about stage fright and fear of public speaking
To get information about Sandra's classes, coaching & products, please visit my website at .
There, you can find articles, classes, coaching and products to help you shine in the world.
Call: 281-293-7070 toll free: 866-575-7070
I invite questions and comments about my individual, group and corporate programs.
Please feel free to contact me by phone, email or postal mail.
Sandra Zimmer
Self-Expression Center
11221 Richmond Avenue
Suite C-104
Houston, TX 77082
Phone: 281-293-7070
Toll free: 866-575-7070