Born and raised in Phoenix Arizona, Ruth Evelyn is the fifth of seven children. They were a middle-class family of nine dedicated to Sundays in the Episcopal church, public school education, sports programs and entrepreneurial leadership. She married, raised three children and shifted into single parenting while her two youngest were in high school. Her thirty-year corporate experience included twenty-two years of sales management and team development.
Stepping into the world of art, Ms. Evelyn opened a short-lived art gallery. She became a consultant to entrepreneurs in the medical, science and business fields, where she began developing corporate templates for aligned infrastructures and her program, Engaged Quantum Health .
Now a Writer, Artist and Intuitive, Ruth’s mission of passion is to re-establish Authentic Self Confidence in the world. Her expertise is in Frequencies of Emotion, In-body Ascension process, Authentic Codes, the Self Vortex, Self Systems, Systemic Wholeness and the True Nature of Light within comprehension and conscious integration of the Natural Laws of Vibration, Transmutation and Cause and Effect.
Her entrepreneurial upbringing and flawless record managing corporate teams to surpass their goals has driven her passion for business and systemic infrastructures. This, combined with her innate clair-cognition into systems and human behavior, has given Ruth the opportunity to work with high-level and world-class clients within Science, Medicine, International and Domestic Government, Oil and Gas, Sustainable Community, Entertainment, Alternative Healing, Design, Medicine, Accounting, Education, Real Estate Development and more.
Developer of Engaged Quantum Health program for Self Action and Purpose-full Living, Ms. Evelyn’s portfolio includes the development of templates of Systemic Wholenesswithin personal and corporate structures and infrastructures, Lightceuticals™ utilization of the true nature of light for systemic recovery, and "The Key", a holographic system of authentic expression, contribution and systemic wholeness. Her most recent endeavor, Financial Authenticity: Creating Revenue through Self, explores the world of money and means at the level of frequency to wholly help your cash flow.
In addition to writing her own curriculums, Ruth is the author of Quantum Dynamics
and the non-fiction self-expansion books Quantum Orgasm: A Celebration of Woman in the Sexual Freedom of Self
, An Unseen Life: When the Extraordinary Becomes Ordinary
and the Spirit Trilogy
, three illustrated gift books of inspiration in the process of publication. As Screenwriter and Novelist, Ruth is currently writing The KeyMaster
series, a dimensional tale about the Game of Humanity and the battle of Shadow and Light that determines the Game’s destiny.
The Key
Authenticity Retreats
What lies beneath all things is the vibration that becomes what matters.
What is in front of us is not what it means and what it means is not in front of us.