Ranjana is an inspired and sensitive wholistic health professional. A LiberatingTouch®, EFT and Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator, she is also an AAMET Trainer of Trainers, Artist and Emotional Health Consultant. She has devoted her life to experiencing and sharing peace, delight, beauty and Truth. She has travelled extensively and lectured in Fine Arts. Ranjana succeeded in overcoming chronic health challenges and since 1995 dedicated herself to the study of nutrition, complementary therapies and holistic health. She compiles a free quarterly newsletter to share valuable health information. She is dedicated to the journey of Self-Realisation and meeting all of life with openness and love. She continues to paint and write.
“At present most of our clients find us because they either feel stuck in some area of their lives, they are grieving, they are in pain, or they are ready for transformational change. Some have physical challenges, others feel lost and disconnected and some want to feel inspired and liberated. Our work is focused on supporting our clients and students to heal and free themselves by releasing traumatic memories, stress, conditioned patterns and confused mental stagnation. The resulting restoration of Emotional Health, Self-Confidence, and Clarity is a deeply nourishing, enriching, and beneficial experience.”
For a list of Emotional Health Centre Activities, Workshops and Events click here
What Others Have said:
Hi Ranjana. Thank you so much for my session on Friday. My work with you has left me feeling so vibrant and alive. The work you are doing is so valuable to the world. To be able to enable us to walk in light and be in our power is incredible. I have new understanding, new hope, revived spirit and a new desire to really live! Entrepreneur E C
LiberatingTouch is amazing! I found myself having waves of joy and laughter constantly and a sense of complete freedom that I have never experienced before. I tap less and touch more. Am I going mental? If I am, I don't mind being labelled for these symptoms. Biodynamic Massage Therapist and Advanced EFT Practitioner. M D
Thank you, thank you both very much, So good to feel the freedom... To Laugh, Cry, Smile, Learn and BE. Good to observe and take part at the same time, Interesting feeling a change in myself and watching others change. As always most impressive to see your artistry, like a tapestry growing and changing all the time. Very good very good, and you’re so mischievous with it all, absolutely great to see you in action. I feel inspired and so much feels easier, so much seems to be slotting into place as the resistance and fear of change seems to be lessening....May you both always be in the abundance of the moment many thanks and much love. EFT Level 3 Trainee, Auriculur Acupuncture Practitioner, M W
Nothing in the whole wide world can prevent love blssoming in your heart once you discover that the seed of joy exists and has been planted within you.
We are not victims; we are powerful beyond measure, even if we forget this, even if circumstance, memory, thoughts keep us replaying the roles of a victim we can always wake up from this trance of material identification; we can reconnect to the Truth. We can shine the light of awareness, dispelling the darkness of our fears and illuminating the infinite power of the Heart. We can shake of the lies of powerlessness like a lion shakes his mane and roar with the certainty that we are Divine.
In an open Heart the lies created by the mind dissolve into the light of TRUTH. The transparent, all pervading, resounding omniscient TRUTH
When an awakened mind resonates with a peaceful heart bliss becomes our nature.
Ranjana and Eddie have developed LiberatingTouch , which is a combination of Ancient wisdom, common sense, the energy healing methods practised by ancient cultures (for eg. Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Ayurveda) as well as the methods of transformative inquiry developed by the ancient mystics and philosophers. Many ancient cultures and shamanic traditions believe that we all have an “energy body” and that energy flows through this body as rivers of vital life force. They believed that when this energy flow is out of balance we experience illness, suffering, pain. By combining this understanding of energy with self inquiry, self investigation and self knowledge we can heal the mind and illuminate the immense power of the Heart.
LiberatingTouch is a dynamic heart centred process that blends EFT with Jin Shin Jyutsu, common sense with explorations in subtle energy, investigations into the way the mind stores suffering and the Transformative Power of Love. LiberatingTouch is a way of undoing suffering, confusion, judgement, pain, fear, lack of confidence, trauma, and the many wounds of the mind so that you can experience and share Truth, Love, Joy, Beauty, Enthusiasm, Compassion and Peace. It has been described as the practical path of Love & Truth (LT).
LiberatingTouch is an art that can help anyone to progressively step into their Truth and discover their innate power to heal themselves in all areas of life, to discover the inborn happiness and to realise the magnificence of the SELF.
Quite simply LiberatingTouch, like classic EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) entails tuning into whatever is creating disharmony or distress in your life, getting to the core of it through awareness and inquiry while at the same time stimulating various locations on the face, chest and fingers thus balancing the body’s energetic field and healing mental and emotional resistance, blocks and suffering. LiberatingTouch has the additional components of Connecting to the Higher Self, Touch with Awareness, Breath Awareness, Meditative Inquiry, Intuitive Listening, Story Telling, Understanding Dreams and Metaphors, Sketching, Music, Movement, Creative Visualisation, Eastern Philosophy, and experiential knowledge of the forces that shape us.
Click Here for the Free Introductory Guide to LiberatingTouch®.
Here are 3 powerful LiberatingTouch® Sequences there are more on the resources page
We encourage you to join one of our workshops and experience the benefits for yourself