Branding 101 taught us all that a brand is more than a product name or a company logo and that loyalty can't be bought with an ad. Brand loyalty is a gift from customers to companies that consistently earn their trust and demonstrate credibility over time. It can also be taken away at any time. Marketing Guru Seth Godin, says in his newly released book, Meatball Sundae “ Stories Spread, Not Facts ”. Every business has a story; the only question is whether it is being told. For some it's a colorful historical story about the founder or the location. For others it's the story behind the development of the product or service your business offers, or perhaps it's the experience you create for your customers. I want to share with you our views about the importance of brand through innovation and creativity. We plan to push out! Ultimately we want to create opportunities for you to assess whether you need to revisit your businesses branding. What is your story and is it being told?
Nicole’sPR, marketing and communications experience and expertise is focused around brand development. She produces memorable (WOW! Comment from satisfied clients. ) projects that assist in growing a brand.
Her passionis rooted in brand strategy development, communications, and marketing program development, competitive analysis, sponsorships, publicity, web-site development and production, events and product launches.
Her flairis in strategy and execution to transform products and services into a powerful brand, to create cohesive objectives to reach target markets and to strategically position the brand in the competitive market place.
Nicole Mckinney's marketing and communications group specializes in unique solutions dedicated to building and creating brands. We believe business strategy is marketing strategy. Our job as a marketing group is to connect. We want to work with our partners to build marketing and branding practices around ideas that drive business opportunitites. By working with our business partners sharing risk and reward, we strive to bring cultural insights, communication processes and products together with an entrepreneurial vision while manufacturing expertise, distribution might and R&D skills to develop a business idea. Ultimately we are building upon ideas and creating the channels, the strategy and the pathways to fortify relationships with each and every person in a way that is meaningful and mindful of how they live their lives.
We have the opportunity as women to use our understanding and day to day experience to create marketing and brand strategies that recognize that women are individuals. The market place is now keenly aware of the power of purchasing and decision making that this most important target market wields. We aim to assist our partners and clients with intelligent ways to speak to the various "personas" of this target market by making sure that these clients build social networking and new media channels as a way to build relationships and educate their customers while creating a community of customers that can build relationships with one another. While the internet presence for most companies is now common place, creating the communities that this most important target market now dominate has yet to reach a tipping point where social media now has a key role in all marketing campaigns. As a woman owned and run marketing and communications firm, we hope our expertise, innovation and creativity in this most important marketing channel can bring a fresh perspective.
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory. Ghandi
If you don’t know where you are going, you may never get there. Yogi Berra
We must be the change we want to see in the world. Ghandi
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you are not moving forward. Author?
If you play it safe in life you've decided that you don't want to grow any more. — Shirley Hufstedler
Nicole McKinney Principal Marketing Consultant bcad Group