The Beginning
When a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) exacerbation kidnapped Mari's right side, she needed a technique to teach herself how to write left-handed. A hypnotherapist introduced her to Julia Cameron's 'Morning Pages' from the book, "The Artist's Way". She began the practice of daily stream-of-consciousness writing (free writing). While using this technique, Mari discovered that daily journal writing could offer much more than physical therapy; it was the ultimate self-discovery, self-growth and self-healing tool. The way into knowing and growing your self and creating the life you want to live.
Journal Writing Therapy
Mari now offers the techniques she has honed over the years to her clients, guiding them through one-on-one and group on line workshops. Mari's proven therapeutic journaling techniques can help you:
- Cure Your Dis-eases - Heal Emotional Wounds - Overcome Writer's Blocks - Manage Your Inner Critics - Stop Self-Sabotage - Create a new Thought Process - Set and Accomplish Goals - Solve Personal and Professional Life Problems.
Learn More about Mari L. McCarthy and Create Write Now.
You can find out more about Mari and her Journaling for the Health of It services at Create Write Now .
Visit her blog, 'Mari's Journal Writing Power Blog' for Journaling Power Therapy tips, articles and inspiration.
Sign up for her Journaling Power Newsletter.
Follow Mari on Twitter and FaceBook.
A few of my favorite Quotes I created:
1. Get and Grow Your Life: Journal Write!
2. Challenges are Opportunities Requesting Action.
3. If You Can Dream it, You Can Do it!
4. Journaling Changes Your Life One Page at a Time.
Please visit Create Write Now
Journaling: Tips for Beginning the Process
5 Ways to Make a Fresh Start with Journaling
Journal Writing Secrets - Overcome Your Personal Obstacles with Daily Journaling
5 Steps to Start Journaling for the Health of It
8 Ways to Use a Journal to Defeat Writer's Block
Therapeutic Journaling for Women if a Certain Age
Cure Insomnia with Therapeutic Journaling
Journaling From a Man's Perspective
Journaling: A Moving Meditation
Journaling: An Exercise in Self-Respect
Journaling: 7 Principles You Must Follow
Dream Journaling Lets Your Unconscious Speak
Journaling with Your Inner Critic and Inner Coach
Journaling: Your Daily Dose of Focus
Journaling Your Way to Healthy Eating
How to Journal Through Sickness to Health
Embrace the Season with Nature Journaling
Use Journaling to Face Your Financial Fears