Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is an expert on love, marriage and relationships, and the co-creator of Inner Bonding®, a transformational six-step spiritual healing process. She is a best-selling author, noted public speaker, workshop leader, chaplain, educator, humanitarian, consultant, and Inner Bonding facilitator. She has been leading groups, teaching classes and workshops, and working with individuals, couples, partnerships and businesses since 1967. Margaret works on the phone with clients from all over the world - both individuals and couples.
Margaret is the co-author of Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You? (over 1,000,000 copies sold), Free to Love, Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids?, Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?...The Workbook, Healing Your Aloneness, The Healing Your Aloneness Workbook, and author of Inner Bonding and Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? Her books have been translated into many different languages and are best-sellers in Germany.
"Inner Bonding is one of the most powerful tools I've come across...What a gift!...I am eternally grateful to this five-foot-two, sparkly eyed spiritual warrior some of us call the Samurai for all the courageous work she's done on herself and the exceptional gift she has to help others realize that peace, love and security are an inside job. "
----Lindsay Wagner, Actress, author, humanitarian
"Inner bonding has taught and supported me in redefining god as a wise and gentle presence, as opposed to the taskmaster I once perceived god to be. In having begun to practice inner bonding consistently, I am developing new paternal and maternal voices within, and tending to both the false thoughts of my wounds and the dreams and desires of my deepest self. It has supported me in continuing to seek my answers from that wise place within, rather than outside of myself. It has helped me to evolve in my courage to love in the moments where it's the hardest thing to do.
"I am grateful for this tool that encourages me to tune in and find the most loving steps to take on my own soul's behalf. This process is of great nurturance to my artist, who I see as being synonymous with my inner child. I am very grateful to Margaret and Erika for channeling this information, and sharing it so generously."
---Alanis Morissette, singer, songwriter, activist
Margaret offers a very powerful software program, called SelfQuest, which is being donated to prisons and schools, and sold to the general public. SelfQuest is a powerful tool for emotional healing, spiritual growth, healing relationship issues and developing personal responsibility. For more information about SelfQuest, please click on the website at .
"Self Quest is amazing. I’m calling it my personal therapist. It is so insightful and creates an awareness of the depths that exist within me. In this short amount of time, I have been able to heal some very deep wounds and scars from previous traumatic experiences....the material is so good....Thank you so much for creating this program, I absolutely love it."--Levette Brown, Customer Service Representative, Learning Strategies Corporation
Margaret has three children and three grandchildren. In her spare time she is an artist.
To Check out Margaret's Events please go to
5-Day Inner Bonding Intensives:
Weekend Workshops:
Margaret offers 30-Day at-home courses:
Love Yourself:
Loving Relationships:
"One of the most important questions you can ask throughout a day is "What loving thought or action is in my highest good right now?" When you learn to take loving action on your own behalf, you will easily and naturally be loving with your partner and others."
"Your life and relationships will greatly improve when you are conscious enough to stop thoughts of self-judgment and judgment of others, and instead focus on kindness toward yourself and others."
"Your feelings are your inner guidance system. Your feelings of anxiety, depression, fear, anger, hurt, guilt and shame are letting you know you are on the wrong track in your thinking and behavior. Your feelings of inner peace and joy let you know you are on the right track. The Inner Bonding process is a roadmap for becoming conscious of your feelings, of your thoughts that are creating them, and of the loving thoughts and actions that will bring you peace, joy, and loving relationships."
"Pain and relationship problems come from trying to control that which you cannot control. Letting go of trying to control others and outcomes and instead learning how to take full responsibility for your own feelings and wellbeing will bring about loving relationships."
"Fears of intimacy come from fears of rejection and fears of engulfment. These fears heal only when you are on the path of developing a loving adult self who knows how to handle rejection and engulfment. The Inner Bonding process develops the loving adult and brings about this healing."
"Intent governs everything. We have only two intents to chose from: the intent to learn about loving ourselves and others, and the intent to protect against pain with some form of controlling behavior. The intent to protect leads to dysfunctional relationships. The intent to learn creates loving relationships."
"There is no true healing without a strong connection with a personal source of spiritual love and wisdom. The Inner Bonding process teaches you how to have this connection."
Ways of getting started:
1. Download our Free Inner Bonding Course at
2. Read the many articles on our website at
3. Become a paid supporting member and receive much support in your healing process:
4. Work through SelfQuest®:
5. Read the books written by Dr. Margaret Paul, hear the CDs and see the DVDs.
6. Have phone or Skype sessions with Dr. Margaret Paul or other trained Inner Bonding facilitators. Margaret works with both individuals and couples on the phone. For information on sessions with Dr. Margaret, call 888-646-6372 or 310-459-1700.
For information on facilitators:
7. For the deepest and fastest healing, attend a 5-Day Inner Bonding Intensive. For information on Intensives, call 888-646-6372 or go to
8. Hear Dr. Margaret's free webinars/teleseminars:
Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Inner Bonding Educational Technologies, Inc.
2531 Sawtelle Blvd., #42
Los Angeles, CA 90064
310-459-1700 • 888-646-6372 (888-6INNERBOND)